Chapter 8

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Emilio's POV

Later that night I was lying in bed just scrolling through Instagram. I was reading through comments from the fans. Most of them were excited and supportive but there were a couple who thought we were only together for views. It doesn't matter though. 

Suddenly, I remembered that tomorrow is [Y/N]'s birthday! I didn't get her a present but I think I'll have time to go shopping tomorrow morning. But now I have to come up with something to get her. Clothes? A new phone? No, I want to get her something more personal. 

Maybe I'll take her on a nice vacation. Just the two of us. She told me she's always wanted to go see this lantern festival out in the desert. I'll see if I can buy ticket in the morning. The festival is happening in two weeks which is perfect since tomorrow is her birthday party. 

I feel my eyes starting to close so I put down my phone but not before setting an alarm. I want to wake up early in the morning so I can be the first to say happy birthday to her.

In the morning

I woke up at around 8:30 in the morning to the beeping coming from my phone, which was weird since normally I'm woken up to either water being poured on my head or being hit with the merch gun. I take a shower and throw on a Champion hoodie. I turn on my vlog and head over to [Y/N]'s bedroom.

I'm filming the intro to the vlog but I have to whisper so I don't wake her up. "YO! What's up guys, it's Emilio. Today is [Y/N]'s birthday and I'm about to wake her up right now"

I type the password into the keypad for the door and tiptoe next to her bed. She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping. I decided, since it's her birthday, I'll let her sleep for another 5 minutes. I decide while I'm waiting I'll sit on her floor and just talk to the Martinators about some stuff. We just posted the video yesterday announcing that we're dating now and everyone on YouTube and Instagram and Twitter were freaking out so I thought I would answer some questions that fans left in the comments. 

After a couple minutes, I heard [Y/N] start to move a little so I think now would be a good time to wake her up. I walk over to her bed and lay beside her under the covers. "Good morning [Y/N]!!! Happy birthday babe" I say as I kiss her on the cheek. 

She's still tired so she says in her cute morning voice, "Aww thanks Emilio, you're so sweet" and snuggles up next to me. 

"Say good morning to the Martinators" I say pointing to the camera. 

"Good morning!" she says. 

I put down the camera because I feel like having some one-on-one time with her. Her hair is all messy and cuddled up next to me in her giant blanket. I wrap my arms around her and we just lie in bed in silence for a couple of minutes. I think she fell back asleep and I didn't want to wake her up again so I just lay there and start playing with her hair.

Next thing I know, I feel asleep too and we both wake up to the sound of everyone in Team Ten screaming the 'happy birthday' song. [Y/N] was smiling so wide. Chance and Anthony said they would make her a special breakfast since it was her birthday so she told them she would be downstairs in a minute. Everyone started to clear out of the room except Jake.

He was vlogging (of course) and he came over and laid on top of us and asked "So Emilio... were you here the whole night or... what's going on??"

"Nah man, I just got here like 20 minutes ago" I said while laughing.

"Are you sure about that?? Cuz this is looking a lil suspicious... DID MY BOY SMASH??!" said Jake.

"Nahh" said [Y/N] and I. "He just came over this morning to wish me a happy birthday. Nothing else!" she said. 

"Oh right. Right. I'm sure he gave you a nice birthday present too huh?" said Jake as he winked at the camera. 

"Nah, man too much, too much." I said.

"Alright, kids, you know I love you guys. [SHIP NAME] IS REAL, JAKE PAULERS" he yelled as he left.

[Y/N] finally got out of bed and said she was going to take a quick shower and change and then she was going to go downstairs for the breakfast that Chanthony made her. 

I went downstairs in the meantime to see if they needed help making breakfast. 

To be continued...


LOL i think i said i would update sooner but i kinda got lazy and forgot. also what the heck there's so much twitter beef lately like between rice and team ten. honestly, i love rice like he's pretty funny but i completely get why people don't like him. i'm totally against bullying and whatever and rice's career literally was built on roasting people. even as a joke, some of his disses are too far. especially the one against gabbieshow i was kinda iffy about but his recent diss tracks were pretty lit ngl everynight sis is a banger forreal (sorry guys don't come for me i'm just being honest) some of his tweets though last night i don't really know what to think like i definitely feel like he crossed some boundaries and being immature about it. uh i def think chance and anthony could beat his ass tbh but violence obviously never solves anything and twitter beef is super childish so i hope they make up because if they collaborated that would be insane

ANYWAYS sorry i always go on these long rants about random stuff but hey another thing that happened today was the chessa is over song dropping and i also have mixed feelings? like if chessa were to stay a friendship why would tessa drop a song kinda dissing chance? like won't he take that personally? it def will make things more awkward and the last thing anyone would want is for one of them to feel like they need to move out?? so tessa wyd? like i get you needed to let your emotions out but like this is just gonna make things worse???? lol lowkey martinez twins are my faves cause they stay out of this drama u know i thought about it and temilio wouldn't really be that great because if they end up the same route as chessa and they break up then that would be terrible. like honestly them as best friends just seems best okay GOOD NIGHT


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