Chapter 1

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I wake up suddenly to the sound of a hammer being smashed into the wall outside my bedroom. It was probably Jake putting more holes into the wall outside the boys' room. I groaned realizing it wouldn't be long until the house would be filled with the sound of screaming and more furniture being broken. Just another typical morning in the Team 10 house. 

I rolled out of bed and began to get ready for the day. Since Erika moved in with Jake and Tessa sleeps in Chance's room most nights, I had the room all to myself. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and threw on a comfy outfit. I didn't bother putting on makeup since I didn't have plans for leaving the house today. 

I grabbed my laptop and my vlogging camera, and headed downstairs to edit in the kitchen. Before I even made it to the stairs, I was almost run over by Anthony and Chance chasing each other with tasers. 

"Morning (y/n)!" they yelled. 

"Morning guys,"

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where I saw Erika and Tessa eating eggs for breakfast and talking about their plans for the day. I said good morning to them and sat at the big island in the kitchen, getting ready to start editing my next video for the Team 10 channel. For the video, I played the "Never Have I Ever (Sexual)" with the Chance, Anthony, Jake, Tessa, and the Martinez twins. I couldn't stop laughing when I watched the part where Kade asks "Never have I ever been part of an Eiffel Tower*" and the twins answered "I have" thinking he was asking if they had ever been to the Eiffel Tower. 

(*If you don't know what Eiffel Tower is, no, I don't mean the tourist attraction in Paris. If you're too young, don't look it up! Don't say I didn't warn you!)

I was laughing so hard that tears were coming out of my eyes. Emilio walks into the kitchen and asks me what's so funny. He looks at my laptop screen and starts laughing too. Once we calm down, I realize that it's almost lunch time. There was no food in the house and I was craving sushi so I decided to head out and buy some lunch. Since he had nothing else to do, I asked Emilio if he wanted to come with me. 

As I was going out the door, I decided I was feeling generous. I yelled, "DOES ANY ONE ELSE WANT SOMETHING FOR LUNCH? I'M BUYING SUSHI!"

Expectedly, Jake and Chance both yell back, "TACO BELL!!!!"

I walk out of the house and get into my car with Emilio sitting in the passenger seat. I turn on the radio and, of course, the first song that comes on is Despacito. We both looked at each other and groaned since the song is so overplayed. But next thing you know, we're both screaming the lyrics and dancing. I couldn't help but smile at how happy Emilio looked because he knew all of the Spanish lyrics. Maybe it's just me, but for some reason, everything he said sounded so much sexier in Spanish.

After almost 45 minutes of driving around and jamming out, we finally got back to the house with everyone's food. 

"Lunch is here!" I yelled.

In ten seconds flat, the entire house came running down the stairs and into the kitchen. 


In the afternoon, I remembered I needed to post a vlog the next day so I pulled out my vlogging camera and hit record.

"Hey guys! What's up, it's ya girl (Y/N)! I don't really have anything planned today so I think I'm just going to have a chill day at the house."

I ran out of things to talk about so I walked over to the living room to see what the boys were up to. Both of them were lying on the couch on their phones.

"Hey Martinez Twins, what's up?"

I gave a high-five to each of Ivan and we did our handshake. When I reached over to give Emilio a high-five, I lost my balance and fell on top of him. We both laughed but I didn't bother to get off of him. I laid on his chest (which was very comfortable by the way) and I said bye to the vlog. I liked how he let me casually lay on him, as if it were a normal thing to do. I got up off of him since I was probably suffocating him and told them I was going to the gym with Erika. 

After our workout, we grabbed dinner at Panera Bread. By the time we got home, it was almost 10:00 pm and I was exhausted. I decided I would quickly finish editing the vlog clips I shot today and go to bed early. As I rewatched the clips, I remembered how warm I felt snuggling in Emilio's hoodie and how good his hair smelled. 

I finished editing and responding to Youtube comments and got ready for bed. 

I was laid in bed and was still thinking about what a great time I had with Emilio that morning. It's not the crazy taser fights or prank wars when we're having the most fun-- it's small moments like singing your heart out to Justin Bieber that matter the most. When the twins first moved into the house, I never saw Emilio as anything more than a brother, but now that we've gotten to know each other and I've spent so much time with him, I think I might be starting to fall for him...


HEY Y'ALL. This is my first Wattpad book and I'm super excited about it! After binge watching all of the Martinez Twins' videos, I just fell in love with their adorable faces and funny personalities so I decided to write this story. I'm taking summer school right now and have tons and tons and tons of homework, but what better way to procrastinate am I right?! Sorry if this story ends up being super cliché and cheesy but this is just for fun and in no way am I even expecting anyone to read this lol. 

P.S. If anyone has a better suggestion for the title, please comment haha.

18+: City of Angels (Emilio Martinez)Where stories live. Discover now