Chapter 5

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The next day

Emilio's POV

OMG [Y/N] is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Even in the morning without makeup, her smile just makes me fill up with happiness. I want to officially ask her to be my girlfriend, but I don't know how other people in the house might feel. I decided I would tell Ivan tonight since he's my brother and I trust him not to tell anyone. 

In the mean time, I have the rest of the afternoon to film tomorrow's video. I don't know what to do since we didn't have any plans to go anywhere interesting today. I go downstairs to ask Nick what we should do. 

"Hey Nick, wassup"

"Hi Emilio. Just working on some new merch for Tessa. Do you need anything?"

"I can't think of anything to film for tomorrow's video. Do you have any ideas?"

"How about a 'Cooking with the Martinez Twins' video?"

"Ok sure. I'll ask if anyone else wants to be in it. Thanks, Nick"

"No problem."

I went to find Ivan and tell him the idea for our video. He agreed and said it would be fun. We went to ask Chance and Anthony if they wanted to be in the video with us but they both said they don't know how to cook. 

"Maybe you should ask [Y/N]. She's really good at cooking" suggested Chance. 

We went to [Y/N]'s room and asked her if she wanted to be in our video.

"Yeah sure! What are we gonna make?" she asked.

"Let's make pizza!!!" said Ivan.

"Uhh... I don't think we're skilled enough to make pizza" she said. "How about chocolate chip cookies?"

"Okay let's go"

We went downstairs and I set up the camera in the kitchen. I never baked before so this should be fun. [Y/N] got out all of the ingredients and we started the video. During the video, I couldn't stop staring at her. She looked so cute and I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if we got married and could cook dinner everyday together for our children. 

After we finished the dough, we were all rolling it into balls to put onto the tray. I decided we needed to make the video a little more interesting... I rolled some dough into a ball and smooshed (LOL SORRY I COULDN'T THINK OF A BETTER WORD) into [Y/N]'s face! Ivan and I started laughing so hard. We ended up having a cookie fight and the dough was all over the kitchen. I wanted to tease [Y/N] so I hugged her really tight so she couldn't escape and started licking the dough off of her face. 

When we finished the video, Ivan and I offered to clean up the kitchen together while [Y/N] took a shower to get all the cookie dough out of her hair. When Ivan and I were alone, I decided I should tell him about my feelings for her now.

(In Spanish)

"Ivan, I have to tell you something but you have to promise you won't tell anyone else"

"Okay, what is it?"

"I think I'm in love with [Y/N] and I want to ask her to be my girlfriend."

"Bro... everyone knows you two like each other. I'm surprised you haven't asked her yet."

"What?? How does everyone know??"

"You guys are always teasing each other and you get so shy when you're around her. Even the fans always comment [#shipname] on all the videos"

"Wow. I didn't know it was so obvious. So do you think I should ask her out?"

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure she likes you too so she'll say yes. Are you gonna do it tonight?"

"I don't know bro, I'm kinda nervous. I'll just wait for the right time. Okay thanks bro."


oops I didn't know how to end the scene but I hope you guys like this chapter! I can't believe I have 150 reads (it isn't that much but to me it is)! Thank you so much to everyone who reads my book. If you have any comments or suggestions, leave them for me and I'll be sure to read them! I will update as soon as I can!!!! 

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