Chapter 6

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[Y/N] POV:

Wow that video was so much fun to make. The way Emilio is so goofy and playful but sexy at the same time gives me butterflies. I washed the cookie dough out of my hair in the shower and changed into a CLICKBAIT hoodie and shorts. Erika asked me if I wanted to go on a Starbucks run with her so I put on my shoes and grabbed my vlog camera. 

(1 hour later)

We got home and I went up to my room to start editing my next video. I walked into my bedroom and got my laptop from my desk. As I was getting my stuff, I noticed a vlog camera hidden in the corner of the table. It looked like the twins' camera... 

I realized they must be pranking me so I decided, since I needed to get Emilio back for his little "stunt" earlier (refer back to Chapter 4 part 2), I would pull a reverse prank on them. 

I looked into their camera and whispered "Hey Martinators" and winked. Now it was time to wait to see what the prank would be. I took my laptop and started working on my bed. A few minutes later, I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in" I yell.

Emilio walks in. "Hey [Y/N]"

"Hey Emilio"

He walks over and sits on my bed. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm just editing tomorrow's video"

"Oh. Are you busy? I can come back later if you want" he said.

"No, I'm almost done. Why, what's up?" I replied.

"I wanted to ask you something..." he said.

He looked really nervous but I knew this was just for the prank. "What is it, Emilio?"

He was silent for a couple of seconds until finally he looked up into my eyes and took both of my hands in his. "[Y/N], I think you're the most beautiful girl in the world. You make me laugh and smile so much and I love being around you. I want to ask if you will be my girlfriend"

O.M.G. My mind was screaming "SAY YES". I was unbelievably happy but remembered I needed to get back at him. (WAIT THIS PART IS SO MEAN I WOULD CRY) I composed myself and said "I'm so sorry Emilio... I don't feel the same way about you. I love you so so much and you're my best friend but I don't think we should date..."

He immediately looked like the life was drained out of him. I could almost see the heartbreak in his eyes but he calmly said, "It's okay [Y/N], don't worry about it. I just wanted to let you know that I love you and will always be there for you"

"AWWW EMILIO I WAS JUST KIDDING OF COURSE I'LL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!" I yelled as I tackled him with hugs and kisses. 


"EMILIO, I saw the camera you hid and I thought you were playing a prank on me so I decided to get you back for pranking me earlier!!!" I said while still hugging him.

"Oh my gosh, I was so scared you were actually rejecting me! Ohh my goodness..."

I got up from my bed and took the camera. "How do you feel Emilio?"

"Omg my heart is racing so fast. I can't believe what just happened... But I'm glad you said yes"

I felt so bad I gave him another big hug and kiss on the cheek. We said goodbye to the vlog and put the camera down so we could have a real conversation.

"I can't believe this is real... I always dreamed you would be my girlfriend but I never thought it would actually happen" said Emilio.

"Haha why not?" I asked.

"Because you're so beautiful and I'm just me. I always do embarrassing things in front of you so I thought you would think I'm annoying"

"I could never think that! Emilio, you're so adorable and so sweet all the time. You're always making people laugh and making sure they're okay. And I can't wait to be embarrassing together"

"Oh man, I wonder how everyone else will react to us being a couple" said Emilio.

"I wonder how THE INTERNET will react... All your fans will hate me!"

"Don't worry, [Y/N]. I'll make sure there's so much love and support you won't even see the haters."

"I guess we'll just have to post the video and see what happens. But first, we have to tell Team 10"



WOW 200+ READS!!! Thank you so much to everyone who takes the time to read this shitty story :') I hope you're all enjoying bc making other people happy makes me happy!!! It's been so cool watching the twins grow as people and as content creators but i love that they still stay true to themselves. BTW: not gonna lie, Chessa is adorable and I think they make an adorable couple but TEMILIO WOULD MAKE ALL OF MY DREAMS COME TRUE OK GOOD NIGHT STAY TUNED FOR NEXT UPDATE

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