Chapter 19- Falling down

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-Sebastian's POV-

I saw my master's hands shake in front of me as the angel leaned closer to him, "Cieeel... Why are you only standing there? I gave you an order, did I not..?" My eyes changed to their pink state while I waited for my master to react.

After a few moments of silence I decided to interfere before that filthy angel could give more specific orders. I sped towards him with three knifes in my hand and aimed for his neck. He ducked with a surprised expression but one of the blades still scratched his skin.

"What do you-" "Think I'm doing?" I interrupted him with a smirk, " You threatened my master, I simply reacted. Oh and if you still think about ordering me to leave, it is part of every demon's contract to never leave his master's side, that can neutralize orders if my master's life is in danger."

"You... Filth," the angel stared at me angrily, "Who do you think you are!?" He stretched pure white wings and furrowed them angirly.

-Ciel's POV-

I stood there motionless while the mark on my hand burned into my skin. Not the less, the short while in which Sebastian distracted the angel was enough for me to get a hold of the situation and think of a way to win.

'This is a game for more than one player, Antoine... And I never lose!'

"Sebastian! Give me one of your knives!" I ordered which made them both look over at me surprisedly. "Yes , my lord..." he replied with a smirk as he threw the knive. I caught it in mid air. "Do you really want to use that toy as your weapon to fulfill my order, Ciel? Well... If you could start already, please?"

I looked over at the boy with anger in my eyes after I had ripped of my eyepatch, "Do you still think I'll just do as you say, angel!?" His eyes widened before he yelled back, "What... But our contract! You'll do as I say!" I gave him a slim smirk, "That's true... I have to..."

Before he reacted I rammed the knife into my right eye. I glanced over at my butler after I pulled it back out, "The contract isn't as strong when the sign is missing, now that I, and through me Antoine, can't order you not to, take care of this angel!"

'If this worked for Claude when he stole my soul it will work now as well.' "Yes, I'll get right to it..." he responded shortly with a smirk and pulled his knives from his pocket again. Antoine stared at my eye with wide eyes, "No... This- This isn't possible... Ciel! Protect me!" I held my bleeding eye and smirked over at him, "Of course, master. But I am terribly sorry to tell you that he's a lot faster than I am..."

-Narrator's POV-

The grey haired demon stood up while his butler already sped towards the fallen angel. Master and butler exchanged a few strikes with their knifes while the white haired angel watched the fight with anger in his eyes.

The flight went on for a while until they stood near one of the towers of the bridge. The raven haired kicked his master into it where he got stuck under one of the collapsed wooden pieces, "My apologies, master..." He bowed which the smaller demon replied with a nod.

The crimson eyed demon walked back to the angel with a smirk. Black shadows crept along with him as he stepped in front of his enemy.

"Snuff out the unnecessary... The unclean... The unwanted..." the angel mumbled quietly while the demon approached him. "Unbelievable... For such a filthy creature to win against a pure being such as my mentor.... And now you want to be victorious yet again? Well, I won't let that happen!" he yelled with a big grin as he flew a few feet into the air with a sword in his hand which he had hidden on the bridge.

"Did you think you could beat me just because Ciel won't be able to protect me, filth? How foolish!" he charged at the butler who reflected his hit skillfully using his knifes. Violet orbs hit crimson ones as they exchanged close strikes. Antoine was truly more skilled than his mentor and hit the demon multiple times with his blade.

"Truly impressive... It seems like I will have to use my true form to win this fight... How bothersome," Sebastian said with a sigh while their blades were crossed once again.

During all this Ciel's eye was already beginning to heal and reformed parts of the violet sign, "Sebastian! We don't have time for anymore talking! Get this over with now!" The crimson eyes demon glanced at his master before jumping back from his enemy, "Of course, my lord..." he pulled of his gloves.

The angel stared at him with determination and anger as he grabbed his blade tighter. Antoine sped forward while the demon was distracted but before he could do so a pitch black hand stopped him. Then the demon attacked him in his true form.

Shadows blocked out the scene from part of the surroundings as a blade could be heard crashing against something. Then the metallic sound was soon replaced by the screams of the fallen angel, "No! I can't lose! NOT AGAINST SUCH A PATHETIC BEING! Nooo!"

The crimson eyes demon walked towards his master in his butler uniform whipping white and bloody feathers of of his shoulders. He freed the smaller demon from the collapsed pieces.

The blue eyed earl's eye was already healed as he looked at his butler, "Why did it take you so long?" "My sincerest apologies... Not the less, I did as you said, naturally..." the tall butler replied with a bow and handed his master his slightly dirty eyepatch.

Ciel looked at his hand where the contract sign had vanished from, "Let's get back to the manor now... We should let the servants know what happened, should we not?"

"Yes, my lord."

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