Chapter 17- The calm before the storm

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-Ciel's POV-

I walked through the hallway with my butler only to find a rather... Interesting scene of what the reapers would have described as "Searching evidence"...

A very unmotivated Grell sat on the floor with paper and files all around him while William just stood in the corner and cleaned his glasses. Undertaker on the other hand leaned against the wall and giggled every five seconds while reading something that I couldn't identify from where I stood...

"You didn't find any evidence, I assume..." my butler spoke up raising an eyebrow at the scene. "Indeed... It was quite obvious that there wouldn't be anything left after who helped him himself came here to get rid of it..." William replied still focused on his glasses.

"Yes, Yes! There was nothing to be found, Bassy! Shouldn't a true gentleman comfort a lady after so much unnecessary work?" Grell added with an overdramatic pose towards my butler. "Then I suppose the envelope that he dropped is the only thing we have as evidence," the raven haired man concluded ignoring the red reaper's question.

He handed William the envelope so he could inspect it as well. "Whoever helped Allingham must be a smart one to think of not leaving the evidence in the package..." the brown haired reaper assumed handing the package back to my butler. "What will we do now that has escap-"

I was interrupted by a burning pain in my hand. I pulled of the glove to see the sign beneath glowing light blue. "Antoine has ordered me to come back to the manor..." I explained furrowing my eyebrows.

"Why are you so surprised at this, demon?" William asked in a teasing tone, "You are only a leashed dog after all."

"We agreed that he wouldn't order something when I'm not at the manor when I in return wouldn't use the contract to know where he is..." I explained quietly while clenching my hand into a fist, "Excuse us, we will head back to the manor now seeing as there aren't any more clues to follow." I turned around on the step and left without waiting for the reapers to respond.

When we were on the street again I heard Sebastian quietly chuckle behind me. "Why are you laughing about this, Sebastian!?" I shouted at the tall demon. "My apologies, master," he bowed with a smirk, "But if I may explain myself, it is rather amusing that you would give your only right in the contract away in return for him not using you in situations when he obviously doesn't need to."

My eyes widened, "What do you mean by that?" He looked down at me with a mischievous smile, "Knowing where your master is, is the only right a contract sign brings for the demon, besides from the payment naturally, but the master can order the demon around as much as he wants as long as it doesn't affect the contract and in situations when you are away from the manor it's only natural that he doesn't have the need for you at the moment."

I glared with him, "My decision are not of your concern." He probably smirked again while replying, "Yes, my lord."

-Sebastian's POV-

We didn't take long to reach the manor. Before we could even enter it however Thomas already greeted us with a nervous voice, "Welcome back at the manor, gentlemen. Will you be so kind to go to my master's office as soon as possible?" He pushed up his glasses.

"Of course, Thomas. There's no need to worry," I smiled close-eyed at the butler who still looked rather hectic. He shortly nodded before turning around and walking back to the manor.

My master and I headed straight to the earl's office. The blue eyed demon opened the door widely and I followed. "I'm sorry, Ciel, but I didn't see any other way to get you back here... Where were you in the first place?" Antoine said coming straight to the point.

"We had to take care of some business in London and were forced to get there before we could tell you about it," my master replied shortly. "Oh... It's- It's fine I suppose, now that you're back here," the young boy answered while walking towards us, "There... Was also a more important reason why I had to order you to get back... Thomas, Carla and I agreed on them having their holidays earlier than planned... Today, to be exact..." My master's eye widened.

-Ciel's POV-

My eyes widened in surprise, 'So... Today will be the day the contract is fulfilled?' Antoine looked at me shyly, waiting for my reaction. I soon composed myself, "What a pleasant surprise... Shall we leave right after the servants?" The blonde boy had a slim smile on his face. "Yes!" he responded while nodding.

The afternoon was rather quiet. Thomas and Carla were doing all sorts of smaller chores around the estate to prepare for their absence not knowing that their master won't even be here after this night. They also asked Sebastian multiple times if he really knew everything he had to know to handle everything and he always reassured them that there was no need to worry.

I spent the afternoon in my room of the manor thinking about what may come this evening, 'Antoine always said he already knew who it is and where to look for them but never told me more... Why does he keep all these secrets when he wouldn't see another day...' I came to no conclusion so I decided to simply wait for what this evening had in store for us.

Then finally sunset arrived. Thomas and Carla left on horseback after saying goodbye which Sebastian and Antoine both replied with fake smiles while I kept my usual emotionless expression. When they were far out of sight I turned to Antoine, "Now then... Where are we going to revenge your mentor?" He replied with a serious expression, "We're heading for London."

(A/N) Yay! The finale is finally beginning! ^_^ What do you think is Antoine hiding from Ciel? The next chapter will finally reveal it! Until then! -eilisu

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