Chapter 11- Familiar glasses

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(A/N) Hi! It's me again! :D This chapter is finally a bit less serious than the others and a little less important to the story as well. I hope you enjoy it! -eilisu

-Narrator's POV-

About a week after the incidents with the earl's uncle things at the Allingham manor were going smoothly.

It turned out that neither Antoine or his servants knew about Ciel's past considering that servants normally don't buy any newspaper for themselves and the earl wasn't interested in it. Earl Phantomhive was revealed as Sebastian's master to the servants but they didn't say anything about their past and nobody questioned them.

The two earls kept their contract a secret of course and Ciel covered his hand with a bandage until they'll get something proper. Sebastian was now handling the chores around the manor along with Thomas and the maid, Carla, who had introduced herself as his sister.

As already mentioned things were going rather smoothly until one afternoon a familiar face invited himself to the manor.

-Ciel's POV-

Antoine and I were in the living room with Sebastian standing behind me because he apparently didn't have any work to do at the moment. "Go fetch the lord some tea, Sebastian," I demanded. "Yes, master..." answered my butler before leaving the room.

I still wasn't sure what to address the earl with and saying master like all demons I knew sounded just unfitting  to me. Antoine probably noticed it because he spoke up with a small smile, "You can really call me Antoine if you want to, Ciel."

I nodded at him shortly before asking, "Do you mind to explain to me when you're planning to take any actions concerning your goal, Antoine?" He thought for a moment while I could already see Sebastian reentering the room, "Alright... Well, I'm planning to take the chance whe-"

He was abruptly cut of by a quiet sound of something appearing from mid air followed by a not as quiet voice, "SEBAASSTIAAAN!!!" My butler quickly put the tea set down on the table before he was tackled by the redhaired reaper. 'Not him again..." I frowned while swiftly standing in front of Antoine.

"Oh, Bassy! My, my, I really thought I'd never see you again when the records from that brat over there just went blank! Oh, how glad I was when it started writing itself again! I got that fabulous bookmark as fast as I could so our love can final- Aah! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?", Sebastian had thrown him at the wall when he finally suceeded at escaping his hug.

Now the redhaired idiot stood there with his nose bleeding. "W-Who is this, Ciel?" Antoine asked me trying to process what had happened. "This is Grell Sutcliff. He is a grim reaper that we have met multi-" "And a deadly efficient one to be exact!", exclaimed Grell doing his signature pose, "So this is the boy you made a contract with? He is quite handsome for his age..."

He jumped over to Sebastian who quickly stepped aside making him hit the door head on, "But there is only one real Bassy for me- AAaah!" The reaper stood up quickly glaring at my butler with fake sadness, "Oh, Bassy! How can you do this to me!? Why can't you stop denying our love!"

-Sebastian's POV-

My master was visibly very annoyed by what had happened. I glared back at the red reaper, "Excuse me, Grell. But I think you didn't quite give the earls any chance to speak back..." I looked over to the two boys standing near the couch, "Any orders, master? Earl Allingham?"

Antoine was speechless while my master replied, "How long do you intend to stay here, Grell..?" The redhaired male answered with a wide grin, "As long as I can of course! You don't have any idea of how much I missed my darling!"

He looked over at me which I replied with an annoyed expression, "Besides as long as William isn't here noone can force me to leave!"

As on demand the door opened and a familiar suit wearing man entered, "Grell Sutcliff..." 'Speaking of the devil... Excuse me, reaper...' I thought with a smirk. "Yes, William, dear?" Grell replied not being too surprised at his sudden apperance.

The tall reaper pushed up his glasses, "You have missed more than two hours of work and you are to collect twenty more souls until sunset..." He grabbed Grell with his sythe before opening the door again, "I'm sorry for my sudden interuption and that there's no time for any intruductions but we have to get back to work..." he glared at me shortly, "Gentlemen..."

I smirked, "No need to apologize, Mr. Spears... Be careful to not let any souls slip through your hands... I heard that happens quite easily these days..." He gave me another angry glance before closing the door. A few more screams from Grell could be heard faintly before nearly every sign of the reapers ever being here was gone.

I gave Antoine his tea after my master had sat down again, "I didn't know what tea you prefer so I made some Earl Grey with additional sugar or honey on the table in case you find it to be too bitter..." "Thank you..." he took the cup slowly and took a sip.

My master than spoke up, "I'm sorry for what has happened but those two shouldn't be a problem..." "It's fine..." replied Antoine sounding a hint nervous for to me unknown reasons.

-Lizzy's POV-

I sat on my bed in my room finally putting on my favorite pink dress again. I was happy to wear it again instead of all these black ones but I still found it a little rude of my parents to just forget Ciel so I could get a new fiancé. I didn't want a new one and a complete stranger at that but I had to accept it for my family's sake.

Soon Paula rushed in quite excitedly, "Your parents found a new fiancé for you, milady!" "Well... Who is he?" I asked my maid nervously. "He is a relative of the part of your family who live in France! An english earl going by the name of

Antoine Allingham!"

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