Epilogue {Part Two}

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An applause ended the performance of the tap dancer couple on the stage and we all turned back to our round table with a smile in place.

Andrew, who was seated opposite to me, directed his smile at me with his eyes glistening under the chandelier above us. I smiled back.

Soon a familiar intoxicating smell invaded my nostrils as a familiar sexy voice echoed in my ear,
"What are you and my father smiling to each other about?"

I turned towards my boyfriend who was raising his eyebrows at me in inquiry. His eyes mirrored his father's as his inviting lips smirked playfully.

I pushed him away from my face and rolled my eyes.
"Nothing. Can't two people just smile at each other?"

Everyone was quiet now and as soon as I finished the above sentence, I realised that everyone had heard it.

They all looked at me with curiosity. I blushed.

"Noah, how's your sister?" Paul, Andrew's boyfriend and Ian's second step dad, came to my rescue and I smiled at him gratefully.

I had eaten all of their ears off talking about Anne ever since Ian and I got into a steady relationship and by now they knew everything about my family.

"She's great. A little mad at us because we couldn't visit her today." I said, chuckling at the end, recalling how she literally hung up on me when I told her that Ian and I wouldn't be able to make it to the weekly outing.

Saturdays are awaited by all three of us but because I had to attend to a surprise parent-teacher meeting in school, our plans with Anne were cancelled.

We decided that we would go the next day, on Sunday because I didn't want to upset her. It also meant facing a certain someone I've been trying to avoid since mom and Annie began visiting me on a regular basis.

My dad.

I felt my hand getting squeezed on my lap and I turned sharply to my left in surprise, getting to see a very beautiful smile.

My frown got converted into a smile too as I forgot about everything that ever bothered me and began to feel grateful for the things I had.

"Noah why don't you invite your mom and sister for dinner sometime?" Lily suggested from beside Ian.

"I'm sure they'd love that" I replied, nodding with a smile.

They were all great people.

People who had gone through hard times, who had struggled to find their peace of mind, and had evolved to become compassionate souls who understood others and were like a tight knit family.

And I was glad that I was a part of it.

The person I was the most proud of was Ian. He had brought out the great person that was rooted deep inside him. He took care of everything- of college, of family, of me.

He would massage me when I got too tired, sing me to sleep, give me piggybacks around the house when I whined that he hurt my ass too much the previous night.

I was getting pampered like never before. It took some getting used-to since all I used to do in the beginning was blush whenever he made me feel special but now I had shamelessly begun to take advantage of it. He was mine after all.

And it wasn't like I was the only one benefitting. He got to have his way with me in bed and try all the roles he wanted to. Not that I was complaining, he was sexy as hell.

He was the one who topped, yes and I loved it. But he was strictly against BDSM. He though it would result in hurting me and he couldn't be the cause of it. I had tried to explain it to him how it isn't what BDSM is about but he was just so skeptical!

I, on the other hand, wanted to try it so desperately. I wanted to feel him torture me and make me beg for him, tease me and hold my release, command me and make me his completely.

It had been a while I had been thinking of ways to convince him regarding this. I had even tried an approach the previous day-- by pranking him and getting him angry. But going super rough on my ass was how far he could go. And trust me, I had grown to become accustomed to that now.

An awkward cough made me exit my world of fantasies and look to my left again. Ian was smirking at me as if he knew what I was thinking about. I raised my eyebrows at him and his eyes travelled all the way down from my chest to my tummy and rested on the bulge in my pants.

I blushed furiously on realizing that I had a boner and avoided looking into his eyes. The rest of the table had begun eating and they were discreetly stealing glances at us.

I cursed my hormones for being on overdrive all the time around Ian.

I suddenly felt a feather like touch on my fingers under the table and saw that it was his majesty's fingers.

I rolled my eyes and swatted his hand away from mine, keeping my eyes on the food and beginning to eat it with one hand. His fingers found their way back on mine and I once more slapped his hand away. He had no plans of backing off so when he put his hand on mine again, I switched to my last retort and pulled my hand (and his) above the table and rested it beside my plate.

He withdrew his hand immediately before his parents could see us being all lovey-dovey and I smiled to myself in victory.

Small talks started about politics, movies and such random stuff and by the time the dessert arrived, we were talking in divided groups.

Ian had even swapped places with Paul to sit next to his father and argue about buildings and such architectural stuff which I chose to ignore.

Paul and Lily were laughing about something and it was heart warming to see those two get along with each other so well.

As for Henry and I, we were talking about little children and their growing obsession with harmful cosmetics. He was explaining about such cases he had encountered at the hospital and I was telling him about the little girls in my class who came with mascara and eyeliners on.

Soon we were all finished with the food, and even though the conversations couldn't ever come to an end, we had to give them a halt.

We took turns hugging everyone and then parted ways with a promise of doing it again next month.

I drove Ian and I home and since we both were pretty tired and it was late, we snuggled into each other on the bed and fell into blissful sleep.

A/N: No. Nah. Nope.
This is not the end.

There's epilogue (part three) coming up after this. This one covered Ian's side of the family and the third part will cover Noah's.
We are yet to see how Anne's weekly outings are and what Noah's dad's situation is.

I'm really sorry if you found this boring! I don't even have any excuses to make about the delay and the lethargic writing.

I'm just really sorry to those whom I disappointed.

And a big thank you to everyone who still continue to read this story and those who are beginning to.

It has 8k reads now and I'm very grateful to all of you.

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