Realize (8)

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Help my friend purple-ish in the Watty Awards! The Wedding Day came up at #11 in the short story category!! Woohoo! I'm going to dedicate this to her so that you'll easily find her Wattpad profile. Thanks a bunch, dudes! :) xx

WARNING: The latter part of this chapter isn't edited due to my doing a lot of things. I apologize -- very much :(


Josh couldn't stand the fact that he was defeated by a mere musician. He'd never seen Todd play before – even once – in Sky. So come he was so good at the game? The game that Josh himself mastered? He was so ashamed to lose that he couldn't look at Coach Clearwater in the eye during practice. The Coach wasn't even surprised when Todd won the game. That made Josh even more suspicious.

So first thing on Monday, he decided to ask Brian Wright how Todd managed to – Er – defeat him.

"Don't tell me, you don't know?" said Brian, beginning to grin. "Where have you been, Mantle? Todd's father was a famous NBA coach. Todd was born with natural talent in playing Basketball. His father made him the best, training him and teaching him all the skills he knew. When Todd entered High School, he discovered his love for music and decided to pursue his musical career instead. It was a rather good thing that Mr. Samuels respected that decision."

When Josh didn't reply, still trying to sink in the words, Brian turned to leave. But he stopped, as though remembering something.

"Oh yeah, a little advice," said Brian, over his shoulder. "Don't underestimate Todd. Keep yourself from challenging him in sports other than Basketball. Such as Football, Soccer, and Baseball 'cause he aced those sports, too. You wouldn't want to embarrass yourself, do you?"

Brian didn't wait to see Josh's reaction. He simply left. Besides, Kim was waiting for him at the Sky Cafeteria.

It didn't surprise him that Josh came to him to ask about Todd's biography. Not many knew about Todd's athletic past. But since Josh Mantle was involved in the Basketball sport, Brian figured that he would at least know about Todd's father. Well, it only proved that he didn't care and only thought of himself.

When he entered the cafeteria, he went straight to their usual table and saw Kim waiting. After he sat, he told Kim that Josh asked about Todd.

"I'm not shocked," said Kim, when Brian finished telling her what happened. "We all know that Todd's good at everything he does."

"Yeah, that's true," he nodded.

"But you've got to admit," she said excitedly. "I was right about Todd liking Maxine."

"I thought you said it was only a possibility?" he asked, recalling what Kim said in the Sky Gym.

"I know. But I said that last week. Now, I'm sure," said Kim firmly, a bit seriously. Then, she looked outside the window. "But knowing Todd . . . he hasn't realized it yet."

"I don't know, Kim."

She snorted. "You know that I've never been wrong with these things. And stop fooling around. You're his best friend. You know the meaning behind every reaction he makes. Although, I have to ask, what do you think behind my theory?"

Kim stared at Brian, waiting.

Brian stared at Kim, thinking. His facial reaction betrayed him. He couldn't stop himself from broadly grinning.

"Aha!" she exclaimed triumphantly, pointing at him.

"What?" he asked innocently, but already he knew what was coming.

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