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Because you guys have been supported, I've decided to give a Sneak Preview of Chapter Six, considering it's not done writing and usually I publish every second day. Well, this is maybe half a page on my word Document.

ANYWAYS, only because I want to make this the best story ever, I will like to have atleast FIVE COMMENTS on this Preview, about what you would like to see or what you think might happen bettwen Louis and Harry. If i have less than five comments, I'll take my time and not considering any suggestions. ;)
Please note, I'm not bring rude or trying to get many comments, NO, I'm just trying to communicate with my readers and learn what intrigues them into a good romance. AND THIS IS UNCORRECTED PROOF, AS IN I DIDN'T READ OVER MOST OF IT YET.

Comments and Votes always appreciated ! Hope you guys enjoy this Sneak Peek! :)

-JustAkiss xox


Chapter Six: PREVIEW


My body stood frozen as the heat of Harry’s mouth moved with mine in a rushed movement, feeling the lust that both our bodies desired. I heard him close the door as he placed his hands on either side of my hips, pressing my lower body closer with his.

            I couldn’t help but dig a hand into his soft brown curls as I kissed him deeper, feeling a rush passing through my veins.

            If only I knew what he was up to.

            This is why I didn’t let the kiss go on any longer.

            With all the strength I could find in myself, I parted my lips and pulled myself away from Harry, practically pushing him off me as I now stood against the closed door. I breathed loudly, feeling my heart race in my chest, looking at him as he breathed at the same pace as I did. I couldn’t help but stare at him as I tried to catch my breath but, yearning for more of what just happened between the both of us.

            But it just wouldn’t have been right.

            Looking at him I realized that his eyes were blood-shot, either from lack of sleep or from crying. I also couldn’t help but look at how tired he looked, how scared he acted and how tense his body really was. I was then able to catch my breath, letting my eyes linger on that new red scar he had on his left eyebrow.

            I swallowed, wanting to know what he felt at this moment or what drove him to kiss me so passionately, not that I was complaining. I just needed to understand Harry right now, because I highly doubt he understands himself.

            I took in a deep solid and composed breath before taking a few steps towards him. He didn’t move as I stood close to him, placing both my hands on his upper biceps, eyes locked into his for a few seconds before looking down at the ground and taking another breath before bringing my gaze back to his.

            He bit his lip softly, letting his soft lower lip glide under his top teeth, making me want to taste those lips again.

            “Are you alright?” I asked in a whisper, not sure what to expect from Harry at this moment.

            He blinked a few times, his eyes looking uncertain to whether they should stay on mine or just look away.

            He looked away and said, “I don’t want this.” He whispered, swallowing. “I don’t understand it.”

            Even though his words didn’t describe anything, I knew what Harry meant.

            Being gay.

            It had taken awhile for him to get used to the whole being gay, and accepting it. And even before the accident I don’t think he had accepting the being gay part but, mostly being gay for me. He was never really fond on the whole checking out guys, and then again neither was I. I guess I’m just more accepting that Harry was or is. But, before the accident he didn’t considering himself gay, just in love with me and he was perfectly fine with that.

            And so was I, because he wanted to be with me, in a relationship and with no one else. This made me happy. It made both of us happy.

            Just not management.

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