Chapter 13

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A/N: Okay guys, you're blowing my mind! 1.2k reads! Thank you so much! You're all amazing!

Grace POV

I woke up at about 2am to this strange pounding. It sounded like someone jumping on a bed, hardcore. Elaina came into my room with a shocked face and Apollo at her side. "What the hell is going on?" I asked.

"Come take a look-see!" Apollo said.

"Follow us," Elaina said while starting to leave.

I, of course, followed them. They went into Elaina's room.

"We found this peephole in the wall the other day and thought in was the perfect way to spy on Sarah because she is right next me," Elaina said as the pounding was still going on. "Come take a look at what she is doing."

I walked over to the hole and took a look through. Serena was ass naked with some guy that wasn't Shaun. He has blonde hair and Shaun has red (DURRRRRR). They were getting into it, too.

"That fucking whore! She is so fucking lucky that Shaun is a heavy sleeper! Do know how hurt he would be if he saw this?" I scream as I run out of the room.

"Wait!" Apollo yelled.

"Let her be. She needs her time," I hear Elaina reply.

I run back into my room and slam my door shut. I can't believe it. I knew she was fucking low but not this fucking low! How the hell is it possible that Shaun fell in love with that?! She a mother-fucking whore! I decide to try to chill by calling Izzy.

"Hello," she says.

"Hi," I say accidentally in an agitated voice.

"Grace. You may explain the problem," she says giggling.

"I love Shaun and he just got a shitty girlfriend. I'm not just saying shitty because I'm jealousy but because she really is shitty. She slapped me, pushed me down the wall of a half pipe, and is having sex with another man right this second!" I yell.


"This is why we are friends. You get me. But, THAT MOTHER-FUCKING WHORE!!!! HAVING SEX RIGHT NOW!!!! UGH!!!!!" I yell louder than her.

"Okay. The Olympics are coming and Fall Out Boy, Black Veil Brides, and me are all gonna be there to fuck her shit up!" she said excitedly.

"Thank goodness. I can't put up with this shit anymore. If Shaun even saw her doing this, he would be broken. He is more sensitive than people think. He has a heart!" I say.

"I know what you're going through. I really wish I could be there with you but I can't. We are over in Italy starting the tour!" she replies. "I have to go! We have a show in 10 minutes!"

"Good luck!" I say as I hang up. Wait. Pause this for moment. Did she say Black Veil Brides? OMG YES I LOVE THEM!!! Okay. Fangirl moment over.

The fucking pounding stops at precisely 3:30am. 1 hr and 30 min. That fucking whore. I still can't believe she would do this. This would hurt Shaun, ridiculously. I would never do this to him. Ever. I would hate myself even if I accidentally hurt him, let alone on purpose. I love him too much.

Shaun POV

I woke up at 4:00 in the morning after I had a flashback dream. It was about the night Grace and I kissed. It seemed so far away but I can still remember every detail like how clear the night sky was, how pretty she looked, how I thought I loved her. It was a fun moment, I'm not gonna lie but I think Serena and I have a little more chemistry. We are into the same stuff and she brings the best in me but I still couldn't help but waver a little. I remember what Grace said exactly.

"There is nothing to explain," she said brightly. "We were both in shock at what happened and we just acting without thinking. No hard feelings. We can just pretend that nothing happened. Now, get to bed! We will have alot of interviews tomorrow!"

I can also remember exactly what was running through my mind.

In time, I hope she falls for me. I have just now fallen hard and I will probably fall even further every single day. Now, its her turn.

She doesn't love me, obviously, but did I love her? I thought of Grace and compared her to Serena. Serena relates to me more and likes the same things. Grace does but Serena and I have more in common.  I thought of me and Grace in a relationship. It would be too awkward. I think I will be better off with Serena. I mean, we love each other, right?

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