Chapter 10

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A/N: I'm sorry I'm spamming you all!!

Grace POV

It was a really nice day out so Shaun and I decided to go practice. We were both about to go to New Zealand to practice and it's our last day in the states.

"So, how is Serena?" I ask a with some cockiness in my voice.

"Pretty good. She says she would of come out to practice with us but she's really sore from Pilates, yesterday." he says with some droop in his voice.

"Hey, cheer up!" I say running towards the pipe. "This is our natural element!" After I said that, he perked up a little!

"Beat you to the top, Tomato!" I yell as I start running.

"No way, Madi!" he says starting to run as well.

-Time Skip- It is now about 9:00pm and they are exhausted. Right now they are sitting on the lip of the halfpipe.

"You're gonna win gold." I say very seriously.

"So are you. Your McTwists are awesome!" he says with lightness in his tone.

"Not as good as yours!" I say, just to contradict. "How's Serena with the whole New Zealand thing?"

"Good. She understands I have my career and she has hers." he says with the droop in his voice again.

"Dude, what are you upset about? You will be away from her for about a month and a half including the Olympics. Besides, you've only known her for like 2 weeks!" I yell in a way that sounds like a joke but it really isn't.

"I'll just miss her, that's all." he says quietly.


Grace looks over to Shaun and thinks to herself, "He really will miss her. Why can't he think about me that way?" After that moment he looks over to her and their eyes lock. Grace can't help thinking about how perfect those hazel eyes were and Shaun was thinking how pretty her blue ones were. They start to lean in when....

Grace POV

"Hey guys, what's up?!" Serena yells as she walks down deck of the halfpipe. She was looking at me and it felt like her eyes were shooting lasers at my soul because she looked so furious. She still kept her tone light though. She's wearing her designer clothes, as always. Today she was wearing a black and gold vest, super-duper tight, black jeans, and gold boots.

"Shauny, you've been practicing all day! Come one! Hollister is having a 24hr sale!" she says in a really winey voice.

"Okay. Grace, I gotta go!" he says while he's getting up.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, on the plane!" I say as they are walking away but the. I see Serena turn around.

"I'll meet you at the hotel. I need to tell Madi something!" she says as she is walking towards me while smirking.

"The only person who I slightly tolerate when calling me that name is Shaun and I hardly like him calling me that."

"I don't care, bitch! I thought I told you to stay away from Shaun, or else!" she yelled while grabbing my arms.

"Let go of me! Ugh! Just leave me alone!" I yell.

"No. You will pay for this! SHAUN. IS. MINE!" she yells as she pushes me and I fall backwards down the halfpipe. "Look what you made me do!" she yells at me while she is walking away.

What the fuck is wrong with her?! Next thing I know is that I'm getting up and limping back to the hotel.

A/N: My thumbs are killing me so this is probably the last chapter. XD

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