Chapter 6

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Grace POV

We decided to stick together that night to watch the networks blow up with the interviews. That and we wanted to watch the reruns of the X-Games.

"Oh, look! There's Kelly! Her run, yesterday, was amazing!"

"You can say that again! You can definitely tell she had been practicing, a lot!" He said as he was smiling again. How is it that he always smiles? He is always so cheerful? How is it even possible? That was another thing I loved about him. His smile. Ugh! I'm thinking about him 24/7.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. "Let me get this. Be right back and I'll bring food!" I answer the phone while walking into the kitchen to make popcorn. It was Elaina.

"Yello?" I asked.

"Grace, this is urgent! Turn on channel 7, right now! I gotta go but you have to see it now!"

"Shaun! Turn on channel 7! Elaina said it was urgent!" I yelled while putting down the stuff for popcorn and running in. Channel 7 was a pretty popular channel so I wondered what was going on. I was also a little worried because we did an interview with them today.

"It's on!" he yelled while I was walking in. He turned it on and our interview was on.

"What's so urgent about this? This is just our interview." I wondered aloud.

"Grace, listen." he sounded concerned but he still looked adorable. Ugh! Grace, listen to yourself! Pull yourself together!

I did as he said and shut up for a minute to listen.

"Will Shaun White and Grace Madison have a romantic future? Watch this to find out!" I heard the news woman say. Then, they showed our interview but they edited it so the romantic question was last.

"Do you think there is any romantic future between you guys?" the interviewer said.

"Yeah, of course!" Shaun said.

"Agreed!" I said giggly.

"Well, you heard it straight from here! Shaun White and Grace Madison have a romantic future together! Big surprise! NOT! I mean, they are like the greatest couple ever! Can you blame them for getting together? Well, see you all tomorrow!"

My eyes got huge. What did they just do? What just happened? WHAT?!?!?

"What the hell?!?!?!?" I yelled. They just did this. They really did. "What the fuck is wrong with this network?!?!?! Shit. We are screwed. If even just one network does this, word will get out!" I start to grab my head.

"Shit! This network is really close to TMZ so how much you wanna bet that this will be their hottest story!! Ugh! This is the part I hate about interviews!" he said. He looked about just as mad as I was but again, really cute. Grace, pull yourself together! This is an emergency!

"Well, we probably won't be able to go out in public anytime soon. I can't believe they said that!" One part of me was thinking of them editing it to make us say that we had a romantic future. The other part meant the part that we would be the greatest couple, ever. Did they really mean it? I decided to look on the computer to see if the story already blew up. Yep. Sure enough it's all over all the news. Ugh! Right before the Olympics, too! Really?!?!?!?!!

A/N: Wassup?!?!? Threw a splash of drama in there! Yep. Lol.

I almost forgot it was early 2006 and almost put stuff about ships in there! XD Writing will probably be easier when we get to 2010. XD

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