Chapter 11

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Graces POV (She is at the airport, waiting for Shaun)

Where is he? If he doesn't come soon, we are going to miss our flight! There he is, and he is with Serena. Ugh! Why does he always have to bring her? She's clinging to his arm. It looks like she's doing that because if she doesn't, she's gonna fall face forward in those heels.

"Sorry I'm a little late! Sarah wanted to go out to lunch one more time. Well, so did I." he says while they are giggling together.

"A little late? Shaun we have to get checked in and to our plane in the next 15 minutes or we will miss our flight! A little late is an understatement!" I yell at him.

"Okay! Sorry. Just give me a moment to say goodbye!" he says as I'm walking away to go check in. When I turn back around, they are pretty much making out. I roll my eyes at them but of course they didn't see because they were too busy swallowing each other to notice.

"Bye, Shauny! I'm gonna miss you!" she says in a whiny voice.

"Bye, Serena! I'll miss you, too!" he says with a droop in his voice.

-Time Skip- They are on the plane just talking.

"You guys look so cliche when you were making out in an airport and for the love of God, you just met her!" I yell quietly because I don't wanna disturb any other passengers.

"I don't care! She's awesome! She makes me feel different and I like it." he says just as quietly as I did.

"Okay, then. Does she even know what a McTwist is?" I ask.

"No," he says trying to muffle his voice. "She thought it was something off the McDonald's menu."

"Exactly. I thought she loved to snowboard!"

"She does but she just doesn't know many names of the tricks."

"Have you ever even seen her snowboard? For all you know, she could be lying!"

"Serena would never lie to me! Don't ever say that!"

"Keep telling yourself that." I whisper. "Bitch pushed me down the halfpipe."

"Oh, how's your ankle doing? I'm sorry you fell down the wall of the halfpipe." he said.

"It's fine. It's probably just twisted and it's ok. It wasn't your fault." I said. I could tell him Serena pushed me but he wouldn't believe me.

"Good. I don't want you to miss practice in New Zealand for it." he said as he let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, no. I'm not missing New Zealand for the world. You know it's one of my favorite places to snowboard! It's awesome!" I said while smiling.

"I know, I know!" he said while smiling as well.

-Time Skip- They are in New Zealand, in their hotel rooms, getting ready to practice.

Sarah just called and I can hear her annoying voice from over her. I'm just glad I did t have to listen to their lovey-dovey shit because my phone rang. It was Elaina.

"OMG! Grace, you're never gonna guess who I'm with right now!" she yelled in a fangirly tone.

"Who?" I yelled excitedly.

"Apollo Ohno! Me and him are going out now! I can't believe this is actually happening!" she said even more fangirly than the first time.

"Oh my gosh! Congrats! Winter Olympian dating a soon to be Summer Olympian! Nice mix!"

I yell to her! I loved Apollo Ohno. Last Olympics, I watched everyone of his competitions.

"How is Shaun and The Evil Bitch?" she asked. I told her about everything, last night.

"They are talking on the phone right now. I can hear her blubbering from all the way across the room. I don't even know how it's possible for her to be a singer. Her talking already sounds like a cat giving birth. I would hate to hear her sing." I say quietly so Shaun doesn't hear.

"I looked up her band. It's called The Juleps. Let's just say that even with her voice edited, it sounds like a piece of shit!" she said while we were both laughing. "Do you wanna talk to Apollo? He's dying to because heloves watching you snowboard!"

"Oh my gosh, yes!" I say as she is handing the phone to Apollo.

"Hi! I'm Apollo! I have heard so much about you! Elaina talks nonstop about you!"

"Hi! I'm Grace! I hope you're coming to the Olympics, too because I really wanna meet you!" I try to say while giggling.

"Don't worry, I am! Congrats on your three-peat. Maybe next year you can get your four-peat."

"Oh, I'll guarantee that I'll be there, next year, trying for it! I gotta go practice! It was nice talking to you. Tell Elaina I said bye!" I said.

"I will! Bye!" he said as I hung up the phone.

"Hurry your ass up Shaun! We have to practice today, I hope you know!" I said, annoyed.

"Bye, Baby! I miss you!" he said while closing his phone.

"Baby? Wow. Just wow." I say while laughing.

"Whatever! Let's just go practice!" he yells while running out the door.

A/N: This chapter was just kinda made to pass time. XD Not much really happened XD

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