Chapter 12 Dedicated to another one of my bestest friends, ever!

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A/N: We are now the men's Olympic qualifiers for snowboarding halfpipe. This is just gonna be a little time passer so sorry if it's bad. I'm really anxious to get to the next part. XD

This chapter is dedicated to a really good friend of mine! She actually writes, too! Go check her out! Her username is colorbabies098

Shaun's POV

Okay, Shaun. You have to do this. Do it for Serena. For Serena.

Announcer: Welcome to the 2006 Olympic qualifiers! Today, we are in men's halfpipe snowboarding! First up, we have Shaun White. Last Olympic qualifiers, he missed going to Utah by .3 points! Let's see what he's got today!

Okay. Let's do this thing. I fasten myself in and head down to the pipe. I start out my run like I always do, with a backside air and everything after that was perfect! I was gonna make it, I knew it! After my run, I saw Grace at the front with Elaina and Apollo cheering their heads off. I didn't see Serena until she came to the front and I walked over there and picked her up, wedding style. I finally got my score! It was a 90.6! Yes! After everyone does their their first runs I'm still in first! It's time for me to do my second run. I just do the same run but I must've done it better because this time I get a 94.7! Everyone else does their second run and in the end, I end up in first!

"I'm going to the Olympics!" I yell.

Grace runs up to me and tackles me with a hug.

"You did it! You're going to the Olympics!" she screams! She looked as if she just made it, too.

Serena starts to kiss me and Im not gonna lie. I kiss her back. What can I say?

-Time Skip- It's the next day and Grace is about to receive her score for her second run and she is the last to go, she is currently in 5th, one spot away from going to the Olympics. This score will be the difference of being there, competing, or watching it, at home.

Grace's POV

This was it. Come on! I did my best run out there! Please! I have to go! My score pops up. It's a 93.4! I was in first! I'm going to the Olympics!

"I won! I'm going to Turin! I'm going to Turin!" I yell. I run up to the barrier and Shaun, Elaina, and Apollo jump over it to come meet me in a hug.

"You did it! You're an Olympian!' Elaina yells.

"We are going to Turin, Grace! We are Olympians!" Shaun yells.

Next thing I know, we are running back to the hotel we are all staying in. We walk up the stairs and we all go into our rooms to get ready. Of course, we were going out to celebrate. Apollo, Shaun, and I were all going to Turin! I walked into my room and the first thing I hear is my phone ringing. It was a number that I didn't remember.


"Oh my gosh! Grace! It's me, Izzy! Remember me?"

"Oh my gosh, Izzy? Is that really you?" I yell into the phone. She was an old friend as well. We were in a band together a while back. That actually got her started as a professional singer! Last time I heard from her, she had just got together with Patrick Stump from Fall Out Boy.

"Yes, it is! I was watching you on TV! You're going to the Olympics! I can't believe it!"

"Neither can I! Are you and Patrick still together?"

"Of course! We were wondering if we could come with you to Turin? We were gonna do like a mini-tour, dedicated to you!"

"Oh my gosh! Yes, I'd be honored!" I yell. I love Fall Out Boy and it would be so cool to meet them! I hear a knock at my door. "Izzy, I gotta go but I will call you later!"

"Okay, bye!" she says.

"I'll be right out, Shaun!" I say, drawing the conclusion that it was him out there. I threw on some different pants and a Burton shirt and ran out the door. Everyone was there. Elaina, Apollo, and Shaun. Oh, and there was one more. Serena. You can guarantee that I won't be sitting next to her. We start to head out. We were going to my favorite restaurant. Olive Garden! We, finally, arrive there and we get our table. Shaun sees an old friend from across the restaurant.

"Hey, I'll be right back!" he says while walking away.

"Alright, Shauny!" she replies.

"Cut out the angelic act, bitch." I say.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Grace! I thought we were friends!" she says while acting like she is really hurt.

"You don't have to act. Grace told us everything. Like, the way you slapped her and pushed her down the halfpipe wall." Elaina says in a really annoyed tone.

"Oh, then it that case, I don't like any of you." she says while messing with her nails. "Being an Olympian is really over-rated."

"How would you know?" Apollo asks, fiercely.

"Exactly!" Elaina agreed. "You don't even know how we live! You don't have a right to judge us!"

"Yes, I do. Singers are superior to athletes." Serena says while she is smirking.

"Says the girl who can't even talk without sounding annoying, let alone sing!" I yell at her but making sure I don't disturb anyone.

Before she has anything else to say, Shaun comes back just in time for the waiter. I order some pasta with Alfredo sauce, Elaina orders the same, Apollo orders spaghetti, Shaun orders some cheese filled ravioli, and Serena orders the most expensive thing on the menu and ask Shaun to pay. As always, he can't deny her and pays for his meal and hers while the rest of us pay for our own meals.

"Thank you, Shauny!" she says like a 4 year old.

"No problem, Baby!" he says more maturely. After that, they start to kiss

"Gag me with a spoon!" Elaina whispers.

"Agreed!" Apollo whispers as well.

After dinner, we all went back to our hotel rooms and said our goodbyes. Apollo and Elaina do a little smooch, congratulate me again, and go to their rooms but Shaun and Serena are over there swallowing each other again.

"Bye Shaun!" I yell as I slam the door. Jealousy stabs through me. Shaun, why don't you notice how disgusting she really is? Why her? Why not me? A sick feeling settled into my stomach as I plop down on my bed.

"Why not me?" I whisper

A/N: Again! Go check out @colorbabies098 She's an awesome writer and a really good friend of mine!

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