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   It was at least a half an hour before the police had finally left, Oh shit I hope they didn't get Mani! I slowly glided the door open and peeked around in his office to see if any cops were still there. Coast is clear. I fully got out of the hiding spot then opened the office door and peeked my head out again checking if anyone was still there. Just when I thought it was empty I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped out of my skin before turning my head to see Mani.

"Shit! You scared me Imani!" I growled through my teeth


"Are we the only ones here?" I asked her. Just then all the trap hoes came out from the basement door

"Nope!" Ashley, the hoe that hates me most shouted walking up to us. I rolled my eyes and let out a huff

"Is there anything we need to check out before we all leave?" I asked the trap hoes

"See this is exactly why yo pompus ass don't need to be Queen!" Ashley snapped stepping closer to me. I bet she couldn't even define Pompus. "You don't know shit that goes on around here, If anybody I deserve to be Queen!"

"And why is that?" I asked with a smartass look on my face. I been Queen for over a month now and she still mad? She better get used to it cause I'm not goin nowhere.

"Because I know how to run this place, and you wanna know another reason?" She asked getting another step closer to my face


"I know how to please my King" She said in a sensual voice before winking and walking away. Oh bitch is that right?

My eyes turned into slits before I grabbed her by the back of her head and swung her down to the ground. Her skull could've possibly cracked from how hard she hit the pavement. One bone crushing punch to the nose was all I threw at her before I got up and flipped my hair.

I looked up at the 3 other hoes whos eyes were bug wide and asked "Anyone else think they should be Queen?" they looked down at Ashley who was knocked out on the ground and shook their heads no.

"Now who wants to answer my question from before.. Is there something we need to check before we leave?"

"Uh, w-we have to check the money and see if it's where it's supposed to be, see if the drugs are in the trap compartments, and that-that's it" Reema answered nervously

"Thank you" I smiled before going to the money room and checking the safe.. the money was there. I closed it back then had the girls check the trap compartments.. they assured me everything was there. Now we could lock up and go.

"Pick her ass up" I said signaling to Ashley whos ass was still laid out on the floor. All three of them teamed together to pick her up

"You know what.. leave her ass here" They didn't even hesitate to drop her

"Do y'all have a place to go?" I asked them

"Yeah we gone all go ta my grandmama house until we get the call ta come back in" Asia replied speaking like she never took an english lesson a day in her life.

"Alright, make sure y'all lock up" I said before leaving out with Mani on my trail

"Damn bitch!" She shouted as we got outside to the car

"What?" I asked frantically looking left and right

"You!" She shouted once more "I didn't know you had that in you!"

"Oh" I started laughing and got in my car "Meechie took me to a few boxing lessons"

"Ok but I know for damn sure he didn't take you to a How To Run a Bitch class! You had them hoes shook!"

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