Catching Up

83 3 13

Cronus's p.o.v.

"Just glubbin tell me what happened already!" Meenah adjusted herself in her bean bag chair and narrowed her gaze at me.

Once I arrived home from dropping off Kankri, I found Meenah standing against her pink truck. She picked me up and drove me to her house. Now I am here, sitting on the carpeted floor of her spacious bedroom as she pries information about me and Kankri. Really, why does she enjoy helping me with these things?

I scratched my neck uncomfortably and looked down. "After I found out about what I did Saturday night, I couldn't forgive myself. I thought about it all day today." I avoided Meenah's eyes and smiled shyly. "Until when the school day was over, he pulled me and kissed me behind the school."

Meenah jumps around in her seat. "Oooh! Holy mackerel! This is amazing!" She grins and her voice becomes depraved. "Seems like a bold move on Kanny's part. I bet that turned you the hell on-"

My face heats up. "S-stop!" I stammer.

"Cronus is getting flustered, eh?" Meenah wiggles her eyebrows. "Oh whale, lets just get to the pedantic side of schemes. Do you think that a relationship would work between you two?"

"Well... I don't know.. Maybe?" I sigh. Wait a minute. She is implicating her 'relationship therapy' phrases again. I straighten my shoulders and look up at her. "Meenah, why are you helping me? Wouldn't you be... You know..."

"Jellyfish?" she laughs and holds her stomach. "Oh Cronus, let's not forget who dumped who here~"

"Well that is harsh."

"Don't sweat 'bout it." she looks down and shrugs her shoulders defeatedly. "Well.. I've decided to fix some issues of my own, ya see. Some corpulent ego sniffin fishy told me to get my act together and help you out for a change."

Wait, what? "Who?"

Meenah bites her lip. "Rufio has been giving me the run-down on how I should be on good terms with you and all." Her face flushes a little, and her eyebrows push together. "I hate your greasy-haired ass as much as I do, but I feel a widdle guilty for dumpin you so deceitedly. I mean, your aura was poigant as it was, and it stunk."

"Awwhh Meenah!!" I exclaim and approach her with a hug but she kicks me away, laughing.

"No, sharkbreath! Don't make me become antipathetic with ya again." She sits up and looks down at me. "Ok, now we got that situated, lets get the boat on the water, shell we? First things first, ya need to make sure that Kankri really does have feelings for you. Knowing that book-worm, he isn't the socialable type. Let alone the type to swan-dive into relationships."

Yes.. That is true when I think about it. It was very unlike him to kiss me like that, it caught me by surprise. Does he really have feelings for me, or was there a different reason he kissed me? "I see your point." I nod my head to Meenah.

"Let's put this course into action. If I've learned anyfin from the Serkets, it's that plans should be made with strategic movements on the board yadda yadda to make favorable outcomes yadda." She takes out a peice of paper and pencil and starts to draw a shitty illustration of Kankri reading a book, poorly drawn blocky bookshelves behind him. "Your lover boy likes to read shit in the library early in the morning before school starts."

"Meenah why do you have to draw it-"

"Shush your fishlips." Meenah winks at me. "Ok, gettin on with the plan. You are gonna go to the library tomorrow mornin and be all like 'durr what a coincidence!' And attempt to woo him a bit. If he catches on and gets flirty too, then you got yourself a partner. If he doesn't, look into it more to see if he reelly likes ya, or if he is just fuckin round."

Her pencil works on the paper and she draws a scratchy looking version of me and Kankri kissing. "Um.. Sounds simple enough.." I obligated. She grins and hands me the paper and I stare blankly down at it, then back up at at her.

Meenah stands up and I follow behind her down the stairs. "Want somefin to eat before I drop you off?"

Once we reach the foot of the spiral staircase, we round a corner and she leads me into her open kitchen. "...No I think I am fine." I am a little hungry.. But I don't feel in the mood to eat. At least not here, inside of this kitchen... An uncomfortable and awkward feeling washes over me and I bite the side of my cheek. Back when me and Meenah were in the beginning of our flushed relationship, we had our first kiss in her kitchen. It's a little ironic now that I think about it because we are both here again, except that she is helping me with me and Kankri's 'relationship'..

"Alright, I guess it's time to drop you off." Meenah grabs her car keys from a tray on the countertop and walks out the door. She is walking fast, and it takes me a moment to catch up to her.

lil time skip I guess

Towards the end of the long and silent car ride, Meenah drives past another street and rounds a corner to my house. I flip through my phone and look at my messages and Meenah gasps.

"Oh jeegus... " She smacks my shoulder flimsily and I look up.

"Oh my cod." My eyes widen and she pulls up to my driveway. My gaze is locked on my car... My sweet, wonderful car is ruined.

We both hop out of Meenah's truck and run up to my beaten-up 1960 Cadillac. It's purple paint job is scratched and streaked awkwardly. One of it's medallions has broken apart, and the panels are dented inward. The front ornaments are broken, dented, and dismantled to look completely foreign. My body shivers as I step on a peice of glass from the shattered lights.

Meenah is as shocked as I am, and she circles around my car. She bends down and picks up a peice of paper from a corner of the shattered windowsheild. "You might wanna see this." She tells me and I walk up to her.

She hands me the note and I peer down at it. More and more anger builds up inside of me when I read the anonymous note, put together with newspaper clippings. Who the hell did this?

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