Smoke and Shots

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goldenCnidarian started pestering thunderingConquistador

GC: hey, you there?

GC: As much as I don't want to glubbing talk to you, I at least gotta let you know what's going down tomorrow.

GC: there is a party at my place tomorrow at 9:00pm-12:00am.

GC: everyone is gonna be there. Our dancestors, the humans. Heck, I even tried talkin your dream boy there too. I hope he comes, this might be a good opportunity for your lonely finned-ass to win him over.

GC: Take it into codsideration, yeah?

GC: Cronus?

GC: ah fuck it, it's your decision. Take it or leave it.

goldenCnidarian ceased pestering thunderingConquistador

Cronus's p.o.v.

After looking at Meenah's messages, I decided to not reply. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and put my hand on my steering wheel. I'm not driving, I'm just pathetically sitting in my car in the school's parking lot.

I start to remember my terrible encounter with Kankri. Gog, I am such an idiot. Once again, I have made a fool of myself and, once again, I have taken refuge in my car.

I put a cigarette up to my lips and light it, sheiding the lighter's flame with my hand. The heat tickles my skin and once the tip of my cigarette burns, I flip the lid of the lighter. It's fire goes out in a puff, and I suck in the smoke.

Should I go to my ex's party? Why is she helping me get with Kankri, anyway? After Meenah and I broke up a month ago, we had some tension. But now that she knows I have feelings for Kankri, she is helping me?

I doubt that Kankri would even go to her party. He thinks that those things are unnecessary, mostly because of the bad decisions that people do at those parties.

But.. What if he does go to the party? How would I start a conversation with him? He is a good listener, really, he is basically the only person who does listen to my crap. Kankri is a serious person, and he speaks with articulation. He often studies people and what they are saying with close attention. What if.... What if I say the wrong thing? What if I give him the wrong idea?

I drown out the worry and take another puff of my cigarette. I rest my hand that is holding it on my wheel and sigh.

Suddenly there is a rough knock on my window and I jolt. Some burning ash falls from my cigarette and hits my finger. The pain makes me hiss and I quickly swat it off.

I look out my car window to see Latula peering down. I roll down the window and puff out smoke. She doesn't seem fazed at all, by her lost sense of smell.

"Cronus, man! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in class?" Latula has her hand on the edge of the window opening and her eyes are peering down at me through her red shades. "Don't tell me you are going through one of your sicknasty emotional flashbacks, man! DDUUDEE! Bringin on the fuel of your sad slam-poems! I can see the depressing creative flow just radiating off of you, Cronus!"

I stare blankly at her as peers down at me. "I don't know if that was a compliment.. Or an insult."

Latula pats her hand on the car's door. "Forget it. Come to the party! Meenah invited you, right? It will be dope! See ya, man!" Then she walks away, heading for the school's doors.

Maybe I should.


I stand in front of my mirror. I am wearing my usual white Aquarius shirt, but I can't decide on my jacket. Black leather, or no jacket at all?

Fuck it. I'm going to wear this jacket. I need to pick something before I am more than fashionably late.

I get in my car and start to drive there. Once I arrive, I walk up to the mansion's door that is bustling with loud music. The colorful lights shine out of the windows and into the dark night.

The door opens and Meenah smiles. "Glad you made it. Go get em' tiger." She then pushes me in the direction of the dining room. Her heels click as she walks away.

No one has noticed me yet, but oh boy, I sure am noticing him. In the dining room, Kankri is reading a book and talking to Horuss. I freeze in my spot.

Oh god, I cant do this. I quickly walk out of the dining room and into the living room where Dave, Rose, Meenah, and Damara are taking rounds of shots.

"Hey, look at you! Breaking out of your crab shell." Meenah says as I sit with them and drink one.

"あなたが飲むとセクシーに見える" Damara wiggles her eyebrows and takes a swig from her red cup.

"I.. Don't know what you said. Whatever." I brush it off and I drink another shot.

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