Sonnet 73, And an Invitation.

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Kankri's p.o.v.

The sun slowly moved it's way above the horizen before the rays could touch my window. It's warm light danced on the edge of the windowsill, then rolled down along the wall until it hit the silver trim of my standing mirror. The burnishing glare shined in my eyes and I hissed and put my pillow over my face.

It is 6:00 am. Just like every morning I wake up at this definite time so I could do early morning studying. Today is Friday and I am actually a little eager for the weekend. I get to muse through my favorite topic in Earth Literature, Shakespeare.

I slowly get out of bed and slip on grey socks. Don't misinterpret what I am about to tell you, I do enjoy Shakespeare quite alot! His sonnets and scripts hold a lot of unique vocabulary. From a far time in Earth history, he is renowned as an inspiring poet, the "Bard of Avon" so to speak.

"This thou perceiv'st," I start to recite. I make my way down the stairs and keep my voice quiet so I dont wake Karkat up. He needs to wake up in a good mood, not in a deficient one. "which makes thy love more strong," I start to put bread into the toaster and crack eggs on the frying pan. I drop green peppers and tomatos onto the open omelet, and then I flip it over perfectly.

"To love that well," I continue, and put my omelet onto my plate, I start up a second one for my little brother. "which thou must leave ere long- AH!" My body jumps when the toast pops out of the toaster. I sigh and finish the omelet, putting it on Karkat's plate aggressively. Jeez, I hate scary Earth cookware.

Karkat starts to walk down the stairs, rubbing his eyes. "Are you fucking reciting Shakespeare again? Wait, oh gog, don't answer that. You will just go off on your smart-ass tangents about the value of-"

"You know, Karkat. You should take my advice more seriously, understanding human's convention is a valuable degree in farcializing the improvement of troll's grasp on Human's diverse feilds of historical entertainment. Even though that many of the human's recent vocabulary has dwindled to simpler terms, over 400 years ago, they had a broad range in their literature attributes. And many verbs and pronouns were unique to its purpose, and each had very intriguingly strange names-"

"Ya, ya. I get it." Karkat sits down at the table and looks at the omelet. He looks back up at me and points at it. "You made this?"

"Yes. I am improving on human culinary. They have so many different ingredients, I was curious on how exactly they put them together. Might as well get used to it, Yeah?" I smile down at him as I sit beside him at the table.

"I guess so." He starts to eat the omelet and looks away, hiding his smile. "..You are very good at it."

~ ----------- ~

The hallways of the highschool are blatant as usual. I pull out my math notebook and folder from my locker and rub my arm uncomfortably. Im not the best at math. It is very understandable, but my mind jumbles formulas together and I often forget what I am doing.

I put my book against my chest and close the locker. When the locker door closes, I am confronted by Cronus looking into his locker. His sleek black hair has one strand poking out from the rest, hanging down against his horn. His face looks distraught as he searches through his locker frantically.

"Do you need help, Ampora?" I ask him and he jumped up, his head hitting the locker's frame.

"Aurg!" He looks down at me and freezes. I look at him and he stares blankly at me... He looks.. Entranced? Why would that be?

"... Hello?" I wave my hand and his eyes widen.

"Oh fuck- I mean..- ur, It's fine." He slams his locker door and walks away and out of the school doors, his fists clenching and his face flushed.

..what was that just now? Did I embarrass him? And why did he leave school, it is about to start!

Before I could go after him, a soft hand grabs my arm and pulls me over. Meenah stands in front of me, her nail-polished fingers resting on her hip, and the other flipping her braid over her shoulder.

"Yo, Kanny." she is chewing gum and Her mouth coils into a smirk. "I got this party tomorrow at my place. It's tuna be a blast. Ok, forget that stinkin fish pun, it wasn't even good."

"There is a test on Monday, and I am afraid I cannot miscarry the opportunity to complete my study guides and vocabulary lists. After I complete that task, I need to interpret Shakespearean sonnets-"

"I min-now, doofus. You got all day Sunday to do that shit. Com'on Kanny. I know get-togethers aint ya thing but everyone is gonna be there. Even your lil bro and his human friend, Dave?" Meenah smacks her lips as she chews her gum.

My eyes widen. "Karkat is going to a party and he didn't even advise me before hand??"

"Don't ride his shit 'bout it." Meenah snaps her fingers in my face. "Wake the carp up! At least let loose a little. I haven't seen you engage in any sorta social arrangement thingy in a long time, Kankri. I'll text you the address and time. Please come, for the hallibut."

She then swings her body and turns away from me, walking away with her hand still on her hip.

What am I going to do?

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