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                                                                      Fast Forward to December

      I was woke up to shaking, when I opened my eyes Colby stood there so I rolled over and shoved my face into Elton's back. "Wake up! It's Christmas! Aaron made breakfast" I groaned "Get out then, I need to get clothes on" he just chuckled and walked out. I slowly got up and looked at Elton who was still asleep. I crawled over to him "Elton, wake up" I said while shaking him.

       Soon he sat up and then I kissed him good morning. He laughed a bit and I got up "Get up Aaron made breakfast" "At least get dressed" I rolled my eyes "I am, it's literally just a hoodie and your boxers. Calm down." he chuckled and I grabbed my sweatpants and got up.

      Elton put on a shirt and we walked out and to the kitchen after brushing our teeth. When I got down there, Kat and Sam still weren't down either. But, I sat down and took a plate from Aaron and started eating quickly.

     We all said our good mornings before making our way to the tree, where Elton sat on the couch and I sat in between his legs on the ground. Colby sat beside me and then we all slowly started opening them.

      We started with Sam and Kat's gifts. They had gotten me a photo frame with a photo of the three of us eating our snow cones. I had a green tongue, Kat had a red tongue, and Sam had purple. Sam and I were only slightly pink. But it meant a lot to me. We moved onto Devyn and Corey, they had gotten me a coffin shaped mini book case that was purple and had little Day or The Dead skulls all over it.

       Aaron had gotten me an iTunes gift card, an Amazon gift card, and a 'I remember when I was goth' hoodie. Colby had gotten me my favorite candle, a gift card for Lush, another for Sephora, and then also gave me a Polaroid photo of the two of us from my house when we were swimming. Elton had taken it with my camera.

      Elton had gotten me a necklace with an 'L' on it, a small bag with just a bunch of candy in it, and a big box. So I was standing by it and Elton was recording it, which made me nervous. I quickly pulled one of the tops and covered my head. When nothing happened and everyone was laughing I slowly opened it.

    It was just packing pean-"Ahh!" I screamed when someone jumped out. I covered my head and I heard lots of laughing. I looked up to see my brother Daniel and I felt my chest get heavy before I started to cry and I wrapped my arms around him.

    I haven't seen my brother in a few years because he's been come in the Army. After a few minutes I pulled back and looked up at him "When did you get here?" "Really early this morning." I hugged him again and smiled "Now you're home" "I wish I were, but Lexi I only got today back. I go back tonight at five am, I have to get the plane back"I frowned but still hugged him.

          I understand and I couldn't do anything to make him stay. I nodded and we sat back down to finish with gifts. I had gotten Colby a new Nirvana hoodie, and Sam a True Friends shirt.

     I had gotten Aaron some shirts, and then I got Elton a new hat, a personalized gaming controller. It was red with 'ELTON CASTEE' on the back and it had 'TFIL' on one side with the Send It plane on the other.

    I had gotten Devyn and Kat a Sephora gift card and a free three time use Spa card. But then when it came to Corey I got really giddy which made everyone laugh. He had a hot pink bag and it had something inside.

     He started pulling out tissue paper and he pulled out a little necklace box, then when he opened it he pulled out a letter. He started to read it while everyone stared at him and I was pretty much dancing around.

      When he looked up his eyes were glassed over and he got up and hugged me tightly. "Thank you, Lexi" "Wait what is it?" Colby asked. Corey pulled away and said

                    "Dear Corey Scherer,

We would like for you to be a main character 'Johnny' as a dancer. Alexandria has informed us of your acting and dancing talent. We'd love for you to come in this Saturday at 8:00 in the morning. Thank you for your time"

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