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      I woke up to knocking on my door. I groaned while setting up, jogging to my door. I opened it to reveal Elton and Aaron. I moved over "Come on in".

    I sat on my chair beside the two boys. "What's this about?" "Elton said to get in the car" "Look Aaron, Lexi, the three of us sorta needed to talk. Aaron, I know your upset that Lexi is dating me. Lexi, I know your upset with him, but you're BEST FRIENDS. Aaron if you loved her enough you would have pursued dating Lexi" "Aaron I can't date anyone because you run anyone off. I'm 21 and I've kissed someone ONCE because you freaked them out and ran them off. I don't like you that way and I'm sorry but I really like Elton" he nodded "I'm sorry about how I acted. But, Elton I need to get home. I'm going back to Texas for a month" "Uh, just take my car. I'm going to stay here for a little while".

      I hugged Aaron before he left and then Elton grabbed me by my waist. "I'm sorry for waking you up, let's lay down" I nodded and he carried me over to the couch where he laid down on his side and I laid in front of him, shoving my face into his neck.

      While we were laying there, he rubbed my back, I smiled. At least, I did until he said "Colby, Brennan, Jay, and I are going to Japan for a week". I pulled back to look at him "when are you leaving?" "Tomorrow night" I nodded slowly. "And I'll be here with Sam, Corey, and Devyn?" "Actually. Corey and Devyn left earlier this morning to go to Florida. So just Sam and Kat".

     I nodded and laid back down on him "Well I'm going to miss you" "I'll text you when I can. Even though the times are really opposite" "Don't worry about it, alright? I'll see you when you get home." he smiled and kissed the side of my head.

     "Are you hungry?" "Yes, will you order Pizza?" he just chuckled and started shuffling to get his phone. When he was ordering, I heard my phone start ringing so I quickly got up and picked my phone up from the table, answering quickly when I seen 'JOSHY'.

     "Josh!" "Hey Lexi, what's up?" "Setting with Elton right now, why what's up?" He didn't reply as there was a knock on my door "No way!" I said while dropping my phone and starting to run for the door.

     When I swung it open, there stood Josh, Cody, and Jax. I screamed and jumped up and wrapped my arms around Cody and Jax. "I missed you guys!" I shouted. "We missed you too, but can I go pee?" I chuckled and let Cody go as he took off running in the house.

    I let Jax go and quickly hugged Josh before letting them in. We made our way to the living room where Elton was now setting up and smiling at me. I turned around to look at them "What's up guys? Why are you and Cody in California!?" "Here's the thing," Josh started when Cody walked out, "We were hoping you'd want to go with us to see the Redwoods and such? We'd be back to California in like ten days" I squealed "When would we leave?" "Preferably after we used your shower" Jax said.

     I chuckled "Of course I want to go!" "I call hallways shower!" Jax said before taking off towards my hallway. I rolled my eyes and Josh gave me another hug before handing to the guest shower. Cody went to get stuff from the bus.

      I turned around to see Elton typing on his phone and I walked over to him. "Babeeee" I sung and he looked up. "Come help me back" I said. He gave me a smile and got up. I grabbed his hand as we walked into my bedroom and opened up my suitcase. We started to pack me some clothes and then I quickly changed into some black tights and a grey Send It hoodie.

     I sat on my bed while Elton was looking in my shirts and I put my socks and boots on. When I finished I started packing up my equipment. Elton laid down on my bed and I ran to jump on him and he started laughing while grabbing me by my waist.

      I leaned down and kissed his cheek "I hope you have fun in Japan, I'll be having some fun too. Besides not being about to shower". He smiled and I got up and zipped my bag up. "Oh shit! Lexi!" I rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom Josh was in "What?!" "There's a spider! I do not do spiders!" I started laughing and opened the door, Josh held a towel around his waist with wet hair.

     I looked around until I seen a wolf spider. Which made me squeal and I jumped to stand on the sink "Elton! Elton! There's a wolf spider in here!" I heard shuffling before Elton appeared holding one of my converse. Elton seen it and started to smack it before I finally got down and ran out.

     I hates spiders. They creeped me out a lot. I quickly jumped on my bed, and after a minute Elton appearade and came over, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I think we're leaving soon". He nodded and leaned up to kiss me, while I wrapped my arms around his neck. He ended up leaving so I grabbed my luggage and went to the living room before shutting all the doors and making sure everything was turned off.

      Soon we were all getting onto Jax's bus and I was putting my bag with theirs. While Jax started to drive, I sat with Josh on the couch and talked. Cody was talking to the camera saying how they got to shower at my house. I loved being with Josh, Cody, and Jax.

      They were great friends, along with Sawyer and Bart. They're pretty much the only other YouTubers I hang out with. Bart has had be help him in some of his Parodies. Oh, I mean I also hang out with Shane Dawson but we haven't got to lately so that sucked. 

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