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1.I know that With Love ends on a very abrupt note, but it is as it was meant to be. I could continue the characters ahead, and I was going to, but I cannot. Their stories have come to an end.

2. This story developed because of a friend of mine who gifted me a notebook. Strange, I know. Except I have a habit of collecting notebooks and using them for various purposes. I have a diary, a journal in which I collect quotes, a journal in which I write all the animes I watch and stuff about them, and more.

In the one that my friend gifted me, I write short snippets of stories I'd like to write and there was one letter between this girl who's in a prison and her best friend who's in the outside world. I found it fascinating enough to write more, and thus With Love was developed. So thank you Aastha.

3. Also, for the tone of the whole story, I was heavily influenced by K. Flay and her album Everywhere is Somewhere.

I hope you enjoyed reading it.

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