8|With Love, Sadness|Mona

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Dear Myra,
Tanya and Chloe are idiots. They don't sound like very nice people. Not that they would be, seeing that you all are in prison. Ariel sounds like a very reserved person (And I really need to see her hair, by the way). And damn, you sound so badass, going on about how everyone is annoying and that you're pissed and all. Just be careful, okay? I don't want you to be hurt. I mean, you're already hurt (yes, my blood did freeze on hearing about how you were bleeding), but like, no more.

It's not like I can give you any advice(that kills me), though. It's a situation I've never been in. Do whatever you think is the best and safest, okay? I love you, and I will support you, no matter what. Even if you have to kill one of these bitches. Just fuck them all up, man. Mess up their system, break it apart. Always know that I am proud of you.

I am being very emotional, am I not?

It's because loneliness has started to creep over me. I don't have anyone, Myra, not a single person. I mean, I do have a lot of friends, but none of them get me; I don't get any of them. I think most of them are idiots. Otherwise they're too boring, too conservative, too goody-two-shoes, too wild, too stupid, too annoying, too bitchy. Nobody is okay.

It's very lonely being surrounded by thousands of people and yet having none that you can call your own. I'm literally drowning in my own self. I'm becoming desperate for attention, but I don't want the attention of these idiots when I do get it- I want the attention of someone who gets me. It's very depressing. I don't have anything to do with anyone, no plans, nothing. Only studying. I've stopped going to parties- I don't have anyone to enjoy them with. I've stopped going out with people: it's too boring. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm tired of studying. I don't even like to study.

How on earth have you not become depressed in prison yet? I can't survive with so many friends around, and you're like without a single person to call your friend there. I mean, that takes a lot of strength. I don't think I could've survived if I was in your place.

And that thing you were going on about Cal having feelings for me? So not true. He got a girlfriend last week. He also seems very stupid to me now. What on earth did I even like about him? I don't remember, lol. Maybe it's because we haven't talked in a long time (read approximately three and a half weeks- I think he got bored of me or something).

Do something, Myra (preferably not something that increases your sentence), I think I'm going to die of loneliness here.

Miss you,
Sour cream
(Mona Slut)

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