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"Hello?" Mona asked cautiously
"Mona?" A hesitant voice answered back.
"Oh my god, Myraaaaa!" Mona squealed excitedly.
"MONA!" Myra replied, her heart literally lurching.
"Oh damn, I've missed your voice so much-" Mona started to ramble earnestly, and Myra laughed, adding a few words herself, "Your voice sounds so fucking amazing man-"
"I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH-" Mona interrupted her to yell loudly.
"I know man," Myra's voice softened for a second before she added, "do you yell that loudly for Cal too?"
"Myra!" Mona squealed, "shut it. Cal and I are just friends. Get it?"
"Sure honey," Myra replied rather sarcastically. "I totally believe you."

"Oh my god Myra," Mona groaned. "You're the only gal I know who's more interested in teasing other people about their so called romantic relations than the fact that she herself is stuck in jail."
"You know that's what you love about me," Myra said rather matter of factly.
"That is totally what I love about you, Mona said.
"I sense sarcasm," Myra replied.
"That totally wasn't sarcastic," Mona reassured her.
"Yeah right," Myra scoffed.
"You don't believe your own best friend? Harsh mate," Mona rolled her eyes.
"I don't believe anything my stupid slut of a best friend says, don't blame me," Myra told her.

"Oh shut it, or I'll break your Porsche as well," Mona scowled.
"Touché," Myra snickered. "How even is Jared?"
"He's fine- or as fine a guy can be who's been dumped again."
"Why on earth did she dump him? How even was his new girlfriend?" Myra demanded.
"Dunno- some girl who's a year junior to us. I didn't even find out, to be honest- Brad told me," Mona replied.

"Such a bunch of losers," Myra said.
"I swear to god," Mona agreed, chuckling. "But then I never did understand his appeal. Why did you date him Myra? What did pull you in?"
"Don't remind me that I ever dated him," Myra groaned. "That was the worst mistake of my life."
"Aww, poor Myra doesn't listen to Mona and this is what happens. So what do we learn from this kids?" Mona asked sweetly.
"Kill Mona," Myra replied solemnly.
"I am one inch away from slamming this phone down," Mona threatened Myra. "I swear, one inch away."

"Sorry man- damn, aren't you a whiny bitch," Myra complained.
"A whiny bitch that you love," Mona reminded her.
"Unfortunately," Myra agreed. "But you  don't love me back as much - you love Cal more."
"MYRA," Mona squealed again.
"See? Even your voice goes all squeaky when I mention his name," Myra stated.
"It's not because I like him that way-"
"Oh? So what about Jesse then? You like him that way?" Myra interrupted her.
"Ew, no. Never Jesse, never ever-"
"So you do like Cal?"
"MYRA," Mona squeaked yet again.
"What? Don't lie man, I asked you about Jesse but your voice didn't go all squeaky then- however when I asked you about Cal, it became all high pitched and all," Myra protested.
"Damn you," Mona swore. "Okay fine. I might, just maybe, very little maybe, maybe maybe, maybe like Cal. Happy?"
"Congratulations getting over stage-1: Denial," Myra informed her.

"Gee thank," Mona rolled her eyes. "How's that hot girl who entered the jail?"
"Oh, don't even get me started on her dude," Myra groaned. "Her name is Ginger, she has these long black hair with streaks of white- which she's dyed, clearly- and a permanent scowl on her face, and she literally growls whenever anyone tries to sit next to her or be with her. Her cell mates say that she hasn't spoken two words to them- which is so weird, because cell mates are usually pretty close- but, anyway, she hasn't spoken two words to them except to tell them her name."

"Damn," Mona whistled. "If I wasn't straight as fuck, I'd totally go after her- she sounds like a cold hearted badass bitch. I bet I would love her."
"You would," Myra agreed. "She'd be your perfect partner in crime."
"I already have you for that- ain't nobody gonna replace you man," Mona told Myra matter of factly.
"These are the kind of words which remind me why I love being friends with you," Myra smiled.
"Yeah well, Ginger is hot though. Why don't you try sitting with her?"Mona asked Myra.
"I don't know- I don't have any time nowadays, all these meeting and all have exhausted me. That reminds me- Mona, I need a phone. Get me a phone, man."
"How the fuck do I send you a phone Myra? I would if I could, but I don't know how. Also, shouldn't you be more careful of what you say in your letters? I mean, aren't all prison letters read by prison authorities before they're sent to us?" Mona asked her.

"I don't know if that's true or not," admitted Myra, "but even if it is, there are no worries- the prison authorities over here are lazy bums. I know for sure that they don't read no letters. For hell's sake, they turn blind eyes to all the blood and missing limbs that they keep on finding on the floors."
"Damn," Mona whistled.
"As for the phone- don't worry about it getting in here. Don't send the phone to me as a recipient- just send it to the address of the prison. Charlie said that she'll get the phone from the office where all the no name letters are stored."

"Fine," Mona sighed. "Whatever you say. How's Ariel dealing with the no gangs thing?"
"Eh, she's fine. Normal as usual, to be honest. It didn't seem to affect her that much," Myra replied absent mindedly.
"Chloe and Tanya?"
"They're still acting distant and all, although Tanya is warming up far more quicker to me than Chloe," Myra replied. "God, Mona, did I tell you about how Ariel got these fourteen-fifteen people together, who didn't want a be a part of any gang and made me speak to them?"
"That meeting happened already?" Mona asked in astonishment.
"Yeah, it kinda was about to happen when I wrote that letter to you," Myra admitted sheepishly.

"So... how did it go?" Mona asked.
"I know for sure that five of them actually decided then and there to leave their groups. But, I don't know- they could have lost their courage later on. A few others decided to think over it. However, at least six of them told me straight away that I was stupid and my idea was stupid and I wasn't going to succeed. Ariel even got into a fight with girl who was being to harsh on me- although they did end up kissing in the end-"
"Whoa- wait up. Ariel is a lesbian?" Mona asked. "Oh, or a bisexual? Pansexu-"
"Ariel is straight like you. Or at least was. Prison does things to people Mona. Plus since there are no guys here, we are a bit lacking for... needs. You know," Myra replied.
"Damn, must be hard for a virgin like you," Mona snickered.
"Damn you right back, Mona Reggie," Myra scowled.
"Oh please, I did it with Jesse two years ago, you know that," Mona scoffed.

"Yes. No need to remind me of that," Myra shrugged. "You and Jess?Ew."
"Not me and Jess. Just Jess is ew enough," Mona commented lightly, but her tone was heavy.
"Man Mona, I was so scared before the meeting though, I'm just glad it's over," Myra changed the topic quickly.
"Myra. You're one of the most socially active people ever," Mona reminded her. "You always have it under control. I mean- no matter what, it will turn out okay. You're a social whiz. Believe in yourself. Okay?"
"Damn you Hazel Grace," Mona replied.
"Fuck you Augustus cliche Waters," Myra replied.
"Can't fuck him, he's dead," chortled Mona.
"Your sense of humour is dead as well," Myra informed her.

"Yeah well. You suck," Mona replied.
"Hate you too," Myra smiled. "Oh damn, Mona- I need to go."
"So soon?" Mona whined. "But I haven't talked to you in ages. We haven't even covered half the topics yet."
"I know man," Myra said wistfully. "I wish I could be there with you. I wish I could talk for aeons. But I have work experience now."
"Man, this sucks," Mona replied tersely.
"I know," Myra said soothingly. "I know. It's okay, I'll talk very soon to you again. Plus we always have our letters, don't we?"
"Yeah," Mona replied quietly. "I really do miss you."
"Me too," Myra said back equally quietly.

"I'll call you up as soon as next month starts, okay?" Mona told Myra.
"I'll be waiting for your call."
"Bye hoe," Mona said. Myra smiled wistfully.
"Bye slut."

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