2|With Love, Home| Mona

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Dear Myra,
Oh, sweetheart. It feels so weird here without you. I miss you too Myra, I miss you more than anyone else. But know this: you are a strong person. You're stronger than most people I know. You survived selling drugs, this should be fucking easy. I mean what's more dangerous than druggies, right?

And damn woman, of course your mom is going to cry. Her daughter is in fucking jail. I'd tell you all about how she's coping here at home, but something tells me that you don't want to hear it, that you really don't want the guilt right now. The thing is, you deserve that guilt. You deserve to know how your actions are impacting other people, how your actions are ruining their lives. It's not only your mum who's been crying Myra- your brother, and I cry all the time too. God, Myra, I'm so fucking angry at you, so so sooo angry.

Who on earth told you to sell drugs? Why? Myra, I know it wasn't for easy money, fuck, your parents earn more than enough.

But more than that, it kills me that you never told me. I'm your best friend, your platonic soul mate, the love of your life. I thought you'd think it important enough to tell me. But I guess not. Whatever.

However, I guess being in prison is as hard as it can be. I don't need to 'burden' you more. You want to know about what's happening in my life? Fine. I'll tell you.

Oh, but first, you need to know Jared is a douchebag. Also, since you're in prison, he's decided to break up with you and move on. Yeah, don't worry, I took care of him. I went over and wrecked his Porsche last night. He was crying at school today, apparently his parents are not going to buy him a new car, and he'll have to do with the 'old' Mercedes. I laughed so hard, I can't tell you.

Since you're not here, I sit alone everywhere. I mean, I do sit with our friends, especially Ashley, Daniela, Trina and Sarah, but they all have their best friends to hang out all the time with. We might be one group, but only two people can sit together in a class. Only best friends share all their closest secrets, not a whole group. And frankly, I don't really like them. I know, we've been with them for two whole years, but you were always the one who would talk to them. I think they're stupid as fuck.

So now I try to avoid them and be alone. Except when I start feeling lonely.

I miss you too homie. Don't forget that. No matter how angry I might be at you for leaving me alone here, no matter how angry I might be at you got your stupid actions. I miss you so much, it hurts.

With love,
The love of your life (Mona slut)

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