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"Hello?" A very miserable voice asked.
"Mona, are you okay?" Myra asked softly, not knowing how to react to such a sad Mona. Mona was never saddened just because of  guys, and Cal was just a stupid guy- why was Mona so hung up on him? A tendril of jealously wrapped itself around Myra's heart.

"No, of course I'm not," Mona snapped, her voice quivering on the last word.
"Oh Mona," Myra sighed. "I'm so sorry, man. But if Cal just gave you up like this, then he wasn't really worth it, was he? I mean you're better off-"
"Worth it?" Mona asked in an incredulous voice. "Myra he was worth so fucking much to me. He still is- he was the only friend I actually wanted to have while you are stuck at that stupid prison. He is the only person I like in this stupid school. He makes me laugh Myra, he makes me feel special, he makes me feel worthy- how could you say that he's not worth it?"

"Do I not make you feel worthy?" Myra asked in a high pitched vulnerable voice. "Am I not enough?"
"Oh for fuck's sake Myra, I am lonely and miserable in this school. Of course you make me feel all of that, but you're not here right now, are you? I need someone too, you know. You have your support system at prison- with Charlie and Tanya and Ariel and Ginger and all. I barely like Trisha out of everyone here- with the exception of Cal, of course. Is it so bad of me to want someone to tell me that I'm pretty and awesome and that they like being friends with me? Is it so bad of me to be happy with someone else as well? Is it so bad of me to enjoy myself with someone else?"

"Cal left you Mona," Myra said sharply. "He fucking left you just because you told him how you actually felt about him."
"Yeah," Mona laughed bitterly, choking on tears. "And who's fault is that?"
"Are you trying to imply something?" Myra asked. "Because then have the guts to say it out loud."
"Well, fine then, as you wish. Who's fucking advice was it that I followed and asked Cal out?" Mona asked sarcastically.
"Are you trying to blame Cal running away from you on me?" Myra asked incredulously. "God Mona, seriously?"

"Yes, I am-"
"That is the most baseless accusation I've ever heard," Myra interrupted Mona.
"Yeah right," Mona laughed bitterly yet again. "Admit it Myra, you were jealous-"
"And you don't like Cal- not that you even tried-"
"And you subconsciously tried if not consciously-"
"Absolutely not!" Myra snapped.

"But it's the truth!" Mona exploded. "Why can't you accept it?"
"Oh my god Mona- you know what? Fine. Yes I was jealous of your friendship with Cal," Myra said. "Yes, I don't even like the guy, but get this: My advice was straight from my heart. It is not my fault that Cal reacted like that. It is not your fault as well. It isn't even Cal's fault that he does not like you. This is not a fault. A person not liking someone back is usually reality and not some stupid fault."

It was silent for a few moments, and Myra awaited the result of her outburst with abated breath.

"He let me cry and ruin his stupid sweater with my tears once Myra," Mona replied miserably. "Who'll let me cry on their sweater now on?"

Mona cried? When? Myra's heart hurt. Mona was her best friend, and she didn't even know when or why Mona cried? Oh lord, what kind of a best friend was Myra? Why did Mona even cry? Mona never cried. Never. Myra's heart hurt so much.

"Oh Mona," Myra soothed. "I'm so sorry."
"Yeah well, not your fault, man," Mona sighed, clearing her clogged threat.
"I love you Mona," Myra said. "I'm so sorry that Cal's acting like such a douchebag. I'm sure he'll return though. He just needs some time alone to process."
"It's been two weeks Myra," Mona replied. "How much longer can he need?"
With a heavy heart Myra said, "As much as it takes, Mona."

"What do I do all the while?" Mona asked pathetically. Myra's heart went out to her.
"Mona- you know why I started drugs?" Myra asked suddenly.
"Why?" Mona asked quietly.
"Because it was a release. I didn't just start selling drugs man- it isn't as cool as they show on Breaking Bad. Usually users are the ones who end up selling. Even me- I, uh. I also- you of all people know how much my parents fight. I needed to get away from all of it- I needed to get away from all of the fake friends at school, from all the pressure my parents were putting on to me to get more marks than I actually could at school, the fights they were having everyday, the way my brother hated me so much- everything. I mean, I had everything if you think about it- overprotective parents, a brother who didn't want much to do with me, loads of friends, a very cool boyfriend- but I was just so miserable in all of it.

I started sneaking out to parties at nights- and they were intoxicating as hell, man. They were so much fun. Just a few drinks and you'd forget about all your problems. I was no longer Myra Reggie, I was just a random girl, living in the moment. There were no worries, no thoughts of future, no loneliness- it was amazing.

And the drinks just helped you to get to the moment faster. The drugs even faster. I started with marijuana- oh lord, I remember how scared I had been the first time I did it. My friends reassured me again and again that it was the most harmless, and not even addicting, and they were right.

But it made me long for more moments like those- I wanted better stuff, and soon I was off to wonderland through cocaine. And well, that's how I actually got started with drugs.

I'm so sorry Mona, I forgot that what affected me also affected so many people- I was just trying to be happy and live in the moment. I'm so sorry," Myra sobbed.

On one side, Mona Daniels, the sweetest badass was crying. On the other side, Myra Reggie, the baddest sweetheart was crying. Oh, the perfect way those two fit each other.

Truly, they both were meant to rule the world, on twin thrones, laughing wildly at each other's antics.

And maybe they would.


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