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Dylan's POV

I pulled Katie into my chest as we heard the footsteps above us. I felt her tremble as the footsteps got closer and closer to the basement door. I looked around, desperate to find something, anything, that could protect Katie. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw a window on the back wall.

I stood up, pulling her with me. She shook her head, but stopped when I pointed towards the window. "No," she mouthed.

"Yes," I mouthed back. We quickly made our way to the window, but froze when the door opened. I put my finger to my lips as we heard him mumble. He sighed before closing the door. Katie let out a shaky breath as we heard his retreating footsteps above.

"We need to hurry."

"Dylan," she tried to interrupt me.

"No, Katie," I said harsher than I should've. "I am not going to let him hurt you. I broke when you went missing. Now that I have you back, there is no way in hell I am letting you out of my sight. Please Katie. I need to get you home safe. Please."

She looked at me before putting her hand on the back of my neck and pulling me down to her. Our lips connected as I pulled her closer to me, deepening the kiss. She was the first to pull away. "Okay." She whispered with our foreheads still pressed together.

I intertwined our fingers as we made our way quietly to the window. I held my breath as I pushed it open. I froze when it squeaked. I turned to see Katie biting her lip. I pushed it up and let out the breath I was holding when it was open all the way. I pushed on the latch to make sure it would stay open.

I turned towards Katie and gestured for her to go first causing her to shake her head back and forth. "Katie, go. I'll be right behind you. I promise." She looked behind us at the basement door and then looked at me before nodding.

She went to pull herself through, but her arms gave out causing her to fall backwards. I quickly caught her and covered her mouth, hoping the man didn't hear anything.

"What was that?!" Katie trembled in my arms as we heard footsteps running towards the basement door.

"Katie go. Now!" I said helping her through the window. Once she was through, the basement door flew open. I turned and saw the man run down the stairs, jumping down the last few.

"Who the hell are you?!" He yelled pointing a gun.

"Dylan!" Katie's voice made me jump into action. I pulled myself through the window, but before I was all the way through, the man grabbed my leg. Katie grabbed my arm as I turned and pushed him off. When my leg was free, I quickly stood up.

I grabbed Katie's hand and started running back towards the hospital. I could hear my blood pumping as we ran through the woods. "Dylan." Katie's voice is the only thing that snapped me out of my trance.

I stopped running and saw she was shaking. "What is it, Katie? Are you hurt?" I scanned her body, looking for any sign of blood or injury.

"I. . . I can't breathe." I studied her face and felt guilty. She was having a panic attack.

"I am so sorry, Katie. I should've. . . I didn't. . . I just wanted to get you as far away from the house as I could." I put her face between my hands and made her look at me. "I'm sorry."

She placed her hands over mine and smiled. "It's okay. I. . . I understand." I gently kissed her forehead.

We both jumped when we heard twigs snap. "Katie!!!" We relaxed as Mason came running towards us. He gently wrapped her in a hug.

"Are you okay? Oh my gosh this is crazy! Are you hurt? Did Dylan find you? Well obviously because he is here. It has been crazy. I miss you! Even though you probably don't even know who I am."

"Mason!" Katie interrupted him. "I remember."

"Wait, what?" He said turning his head slightly.

"I remember everything. I remember you. I remember who I am. I even remember Dylan." As she said that she intertwined our fingers. Mason looked at Katie, then me, then our hands and back at our faces.

"No way," he said slowly. "Are you two. . . Did you. . . Did he. . . What the shit?"

Katie and I laughed as he looked between us. "You made me promise I would tell her as soon as I found her." I shrugged.

"Umm I hate to break up this reunion but. . ." Katie said slowly pointing towards the house.

"Oh! Don't worry! The cops are here." Mason said pointing towards the hospital where we could faintly see red and blue flashing lights. Without another word, we headed back towards the hospital. As we walked, I was on her right side and, without thought, Mason walked on her left. I smiled as we protectively walked on both sides of her.

As we walked through the trees and got back to the hospital, people rushed to us. Well, to Katie. Before I could say anything, Katie was escorted back to the hospital.

"Wait, where are they taking her? What are they doing?" I got nervous the farther away Katie got from me.

"Dude, relax. They are probably taking her to double check she is okay and to put something on her wrist. She's safe man." I turned when he put his hand on my shoulder and found him laughing.


"You're going to be even more protective of her now, aren't you?" I opened my mouth to respond but laughed and shook my head. I let out a sigh of relief when she looked over her shoulder and smiled at me.

"I've always been protective of Katie."

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