Dance With Me

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Dylan's POV

It all happened so suddenly. One minute Katie was looking at mugshots and the next she was running out of the room. The officer and I shared a look before we ran after Katie. I was ahead of the officer as we chased her down the hall.

I ran faster as she rounded a corner. When I rounded the same corner, she was nowhere in sight. I started to panic as I scanned the hallway. My eyes stopped on the janitor's closet.

I slowly stepped towards the door. I raised my hand to knock, but stopped when I heard something come from the other side of the door. My heart sank when I realized Katie was crying.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I knocked on the door. "Katie?" I waited for a response but there wasn't one.

"Katie? It's me. It's. . . It's Dylan. Can I come in?" I held my breath, waiting for a response. Again, nothing.

"Katie? Please, I. . . I just want to help you. I'm going to come in, okay? Just me, I promise." I waited a few seconds before slowly opening the door. It took a second for my eyes to adjust. When they did, it felt like someone ripped my heart out.

Katie was sitting in the corner, hugging her knees to her chest. "Katie," I said breathlessly. She slowly looked up at me. When she did and I saw her tear stained face and was filled with worry, protectiveness, and anger. I wanted more than anything, in that moment, to find the man who had hurt my Katie and make him pay for what he did.

I knelt down in front of Katie and slowly tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Dylan?" Her voice was so broken my heart dropped into my stomach.

"Please. . . Please don't let him hurt me. Dylan. . . Please. . . I know I don't really remember you or us but, please don't let him hurt me. Not again." I pulled her into my chest tightly and began to shush her as she shook in my arms.

"I am never going to let him anywhere near you. I don't care what he does to me, he isn't going to touch you. I promise. Over my dead body." I whispered the last part as she gripped my shirt tighter.

Suddenly, I got an idea. I knew exactly what would calm Katie down. Something she loved to do. "Wanna dance with me?"

"What?" She said softly, pulling away from me.

"Do you wanna dance with me?" I bit my lip as she slowly smiled. I stood up and slowly helped her.

"There's no music," she giggled softly.

"I can fix that," I smirked as I took my phone out of my pocket. Katie's eyes widened when her favorite song played from my phone.

"I. . . I know this song. . ." She said looking at the ground.

"La Vie En Rose. It was your favorite song. You're go to song. Whenever you were happy, sad, scared, nervous, mad, you would listen or sing the song and it helped. Whenever you were having an anxiety attack, you'd call me and I'd rush over, hold you in my arms and hum this song."

She looked up at me and smiled. She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck as I began to sway us back and forth. I started to hum along to the song as we continued to dance.

"Dylan?" She asked after the song changed.

"Yes Katie?"

"Were we ever. . . Did we ever. . . Were we together?" She asked hesitantly.

I had two choices. I could either tell her the truth and tell her how I feel or lie and finally have the girl of my dreams. I took a deep breath as I debated what to say. I opened my mouth, but was interrupted when the door opened.

When our eyes adjusted to the light, we saw the janitor standing at the door. "What are you. . ."

"Sorry," I grabbed Katie's hand. I smiled when I heard her giggle. We laughed as we walked back to Katie's room.

"You okay?" I asked, stopping outside her door.

"Yyeah. . . Just a little dizzy." As she said that, her knees buckled. I caught her instantly and gently picked her up bridal style.

I carefully opened her door and gently laid her down. I slowly tucked the blanket under her chin. I stroked her head and leaned down, pressing my lips to her forehead.

"I love you, Katie. More than you will ever know."

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