Gone Again

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Katie's POV

I love you Katie. More than you will ever know.

"Dylan," I gasped awake. I looked around the room, desperately looking for him.

I remember.

I remember everything. I remember my birthday party, our camping trip, the game, the man, where he kept me. But more importantly I remember my best friend. I remember that I have been in love with him since middle school.

"I remember," I sighed feeling gitty. I looked towards my bedside table to see my phone sitting there, charging. Dylan must have brought it so I could call him. I smiled as I slowly got off my bed and grabbed it.

I smiled when I saw my wallpaper was a picture of Dylan and I. I remembered the day we took it. It was right after they had won the lacrosse finals.

I leaped out of my seat as Dylan made the last shot, winning the game. I smiled as I saw his teammates rush the field. He smiled as they lifted him up on their shoulders. I didn't think his smile could get any bigger. I was wrong because it got bigger the minute his eyes met mine.

I waited for the crowd to clear before making my way to the field where Dylan was still surrounded by his teammates. When he saw me, he broke away from his friends and ran towards me. He picked me up and spun me around.

"Someone is happy," I laughed when he finally put me down.

"Sorry. I'm just. . . We won!" He smiled, his arms still around my waist. I loved seeing him this happy.

"I know. I was there." I teased making him playfully push me. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and held it up for us to take a picture. Dylan turned to talk to a teammate that came up to tell him "good job" as I looked at the picture and laughed. Dylan was showing his famous cheesy grin while I was laughing at him.

Suddenly, he pulled me in for a tight hug, taking me by surprise. "What has gotten into you?" I giggled as he slowly pulled away.

"I'm just. . . I'm just really happy. We won and you were here to see it. We are going to graduate and go to the same college. Life right now is. . . perfect."

That was a week before we went camping. A week before I went missing. A week before I was taken.

I shook that thought off as I scrolled through my contacts, looking for his number. I couldn't help but wonder what I was going to tell him. "I have to tell him I love him."

"Isn't that sweet?"

That voice. I know that voice. It has haunted me ever since he grabbed me in the woods that night. The hair on my arms stood up as he laughed. I couldn't bring myself to turn around. I couldn't bring myself to face the man who took me away from my home, my family, my Dylan.

"Did you really think you were going to get away that easily?"

I was frozen in place as his laughter filled the room. I felt all the air get sucked out of the room as he slammed the door shut, making me jump at the sound.

I took a deep breath before slowly turning around. "What. . . What do you want?" My voice came out soft and weak causing him to smirk.

"Did you miss me?" His stare made me unable to speak. I shook my head as he took a step towards me. I would've taken a step back, but I couldn't move.

"Please. . ." I said so softly I wasn't sure he heard me.

"We talked about the begging. It's pathetic and useless. It doesn't work on me." He smiled taking a step towards me. I felt myself shake as he continued to get closer.

"Don't. . . Don't come any closer."

He let out a loud laugh. "Or what? Huh? What are you, a defenseless scared little bitch going to do if I do this?" He taunted as he took another step closer.

"I'll. . . I'll scream. Someone will hear me." I said shakily.

He looked down at his clothes and then back at me. "There is a reason I am dressed like a nurse."

I silently prayed that Dylan would walk through the door. I bit my lip as he took another step towards me.

I tried to run around him and get to the door, but he picked me up like I was a teddy bear. I tried to scream for help but he covered my mouth with his hand. I clawed at his arm, desperate for air. I soon felt my lungs ache as black dots scattered across my eyes.

The last thing I remember before blacking out was his dark laughter, bouncing off the white hospital room walls.

I Remember You. . . I ThinkWhere stories live. Discover now