The Call

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Dylan's POV

Two years.

Two damn years and Katie is still missing.

After Katie had been missing for five months, I went to school online. I could've gone to my graduation but I couldn't bare going through that big of an event without her.

I got into NYU, just like Katie and I planned but I didn't accept. I've had so many people telling me that I should move on. The worse thing anyone has ever said to me is that Katie wouldn't have wanted me to stop living just because she is gone.

Why was everyone so set on the idea that she was gone?

It made me angry.

Why was everyone settled on forgetting her? Why did people want to give up on the hope of finding her? How could people move on after Katie?

I sure as hell couldn't.

The last two years I have rarely left my house. I got my associates degree online and the only time I have ever left the house was to search for Katie every weekend.

It was Saturday night and Mason and I had just spent all afternoon looking for any sign of Katie. I walked in the door to see my mother clutching the phone close to her chest. "Mom?"


"You okay?" I asked slowly, putting my keys on the table.

"I umm I just got off the phone with Katie's mom."

My palms started to sweat. "What did she say?"

"They found her."

Those three words made my heart and everything around me stop. Suddenly, I couldn't hear what my mother was saying. All I could think about was that, two years later, they finally found my Katie.

Without another word, I grabbed my keys and ran. I felt Mason at my heels as I ran to my car. I went well over the speed limit, not caring. All I could think about was how the minute I saw Katie I was going to tell her how much I loved her. I didn't wait for Mason before getting out of the car and running inside.

"Where is she?!" I screamed like a madman as I ran up to the receptionist. "Where is Katie Montgomery??"

"Room 312," the nurse stuttered. I pushed the elevator button over and over, hoping it would open. "Come on. Come on." I muttered. Once it did, I jumped in and pushed the button 3.

"Dylan." I ignored Mason as the elevator doors closed without him.

When the elevator doors opened again, I sprinted towards her room. "Where is she?" I said when I saw her parents outside her room. Her mother was in tears, but not happy tears.

"Dylan, before you go in there," her father started. I ignored him and swung open the door.

"Dylan, wait." Her mother stopped behind me.

What I saw, scared the shit out of me.

There she was. My Katie in a hospital bed. Her color was gone. She had cuts and bruises all over her body. She was skinny, too skinny. She looked as if she had been starved and beaten.

She looked sick.

"Katie." My voice got caught in my throat. I sat down on the chair and took her cold, fragile hand in mine. I couldn't stop the tears that were streaming down my face.

My heart jumped into my throat when her eyes fluttered open. "Where am I?" Her voice was rough and dry, almost as if she hadn't had anything to drink in two years.

"You're in the hospital, Katie." I said gently.

"Hospital?" Her eyes widened.

"Yes, you've been well...." How was I suppose to explain this to her? Before I could try, she interrupted me.

"Who are you?"

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