Is It Me You're Looking For?

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Dylan's POV

When the elevator doors opened, I knew something was wrong. There were cops everywhere, people taking pictures, others taking testimonies. My heart dropped as I walked to Katie's room to find it empty.

"Dylan." I jumped when the officer approached me.

"What happened? Where. . . Where is she?" I stuttered as my hands began to shake.

"We don't know," he sighed.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I said starting to panic.

"All we know is a man dressed as a nurse went into her room and about 4 minutes later left with her in his arms. We believe it's the same man who kidnapped her."

"And you let him kidnap her again?!" I yelled interrupting him. "I thought you were suppose to have an officer on the floor to protect her! How could you not have someone here? You knew he was going to try and find her!" I didn't care as people started to stare. All I cared about was getting my Katie back.

"Dylan, I know you are upset." I didn't let him finish.

"I'm more than upset. I'm pissed. It is your job to protect her and you failed!"

"Dylan?" I turned to see Mrs. Montgomery walking towards me.

"Where is she?" I said trying not to break down.

"They'll find her. I know they will." She said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"No they won't! They aren't even looking for her!" I turned and ran out of the hospital. I looked around, trying to see any sign of her.

"Dylan?" I turned to see Mason running towards me.

"She's gone. Again." I said shakily, still scanning the area.


"He took her. Again. He walked right into her room and walked right out with her." I turned towards him and bit my lip. "I can't do this, Mas. I can't lose her again."

"Where are they looking?"

"They aren't," I said as my hands clenched into fists. "They are still in the hospital. They haven't even started looking for her."

"Then its you and me," he said simply. I turned towards him and couldn't help but smile. He reached over and put his hand on my shoulder. "We're gonna find her. And when we do, you are gonna tell her you love her. If you don't, I will," he said pushing me, making me laugh.

We looked around for a second before Mason broke the silence. "So, where do we start?"

My eyes stopped on a break in the woods. "There."

He followed my finger and looked at me confused. "Why there?"

"Because that's not a path. That's manmade." I said with a big smile on my face. We looked at each other before running towards where we thought they had gone.

"Look!" Mason called out.

I ran to where he was looking and smiled. "Footprints." I started to follow them but he stopped me.

"Wait, it looks like he was dragging her. Maybe we should get the police."



"You go. I'm going to follow the trail." I turned, but he grabbed my arm.

"Dylan, slow down. I know you're worried about Katie, but think it through. He could be dangerous."

"Exactly. I have to get to her before he. . . I promised her I wouldn't let him hurt her. I intend on keeping it." After a second of hesitation, he turned and ran back towards the hospital. I took a deep breath before following the footsteps.

Ten minutes later, I was standing in front of an old cabin. I looked around to see nothing but mud, no paths, and an old broken down car. "This must be where he kept her the last two years." I thought.

This house was miles away from where we were camping. Plus it is closer to town than where they were looking for her. As much as I hated the guy, I had to admit it was smart to keep her here.

I started to get angry as I thought of all he did to my Katie. Using my adrenaline, I headed into the house. My heart dropped as I looked around the house. There was broken glass everywhere and dust littered the furniture that was knocked over.

I jumped when I heard what sounded like a muffled scream. "Katie?" I started to walk around the house, trying to find where he was keeping her. I stopped when I heard another muffled scream. This time it came from the basement.

"I'm coming, Katie." I swung the door open and started running down the stairs.

"Katie? Baby, where are you?" It took a second for my eyes to adjust. I jumped when I heard my name muffled. I turned around and my heart dropped. "Katie." I quickly ran over to her and knelt down in front of her. I reached up and pulled the gag from her mouth.

"Dylan," she said so softly it broke my heart.

"It's okay. I'm here. You're going to be okay, I promise. Mason is on his way with the police. Everything is going to be okay."

"Dylan," she tried to interrupt but I kept talking.

"I'm sorry, Katie. I am so sorry. For everything. I. . . I should've been there. I should've been there to protect you. This. . . This is all my fault. I am so sorry, babe. I. . ."

"Dylan, stop. This isn't your fault." The way she looked at me pieced my heart back together.

"I remember."

"What?" She laughed as I looked at her confused.

"I remember. Everything, Dylan."

"Everything?" I said my heart skipping a beat. I smiled as she nodded. Without thinking, I took her face in my hands and pressed my lips to hers. She hesitated before starting to kiss me back.

I pulled away breathless. I looked into her eyes and smiled. "I love you. I love you so much Katie. I have since. . . I don't even know when I started to fall in love with you. But I am. I will do everything in my power to make you happy. I will protect you with everything I have. When you went missing, it felt like a part of me was taken away. I never gave up on you. Even when people told me you were gone and that I should move on. I couldn't. When you came back. . . Yes, you didn't remember me, but at least I had you back. I promise I will take care of you. I love you, Katie. More than you could possibly know. "

"I love you too," she giggled. Before she could say anything else, I pulled her in for another kiss.

"Dylan?" She said pulling away. "Can you untie me?" I looked and saw her hands tied behind her back.

"Sorry, I just got distracted when I saw you were okay." I placed a quick kiss on her lips before untying her. The minute her hands were free she wrapped them around my neck, nestling her face into my neck.

She jumped when we heard a crash come from upstairs. "No," she let out a gasp. She began to shake in my arms.

"Katie, you're going to be okay." I said tightening my arms around her.

"No." She said shaking her head. "Dylan, if he sees you here, he is going to kill you. Please. You have to go."

"What? No! I am not leaving you, Katie." I said looking into her eyes.

"You don't understand," she pleaded. "He is going to hurt you. And I can't. . . I can't let him hurt you. Please." She had tears streaming down her cheeks. "I can't lose you."

"And I can't lose you. I'm not going anywhere." I put my finger under her chin and pressed my lips to hers. We jumped apart when we heard the basement door open.

I Remember You. . . I ThinkWhere stories live. Discover now