Birthday Wish

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Dylan's POV

"Katie?" I whispered as I climbed onto the other side of her bed, trying not to laugh.

"Hmm?" She mumbled, stirring in her sleep.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty."

"No," she mumbled.

"But it's a beautiful day outside."

She turned around and when her eyes opened she jumped. "Ah!" She exclaimed as she fell onto the floor, face first.

"Dylan! What the hell are you doing in my room? In my bed??" I couldn't help but laugh at her angry expression.

"It's not funny!" She said, sitting up.

"It kind of is," I shrugged. I laughed as she laid back down rubbing her hands over her face. Getting an idea, I smirked and quietly leaned down, hovering over her face.

I waited until she was moving her hands to yell, "Happy Birthday!!!"

"Ah!" She screamed as she slapped me.

"Did you just. . ." I sat back on her bed as she giggled.

"Well, you deserve it." She said standing up and walking to the bathroom. I sat on my phone as she went to the restroom.

"Hey Katie?" I yelled loud enough for her to hear.

"What?" She called back.

"What do you wanna do today?"

"Ummm I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"Well it's your birthday!" I laughed as she walked out. I sucked in a sharp breath when I notice her in short shorts and a tank top. My heart sped up.

"Dylan? Dylan. Dylan!!"

"What?" I said returning to reality.

"You've been staring at me for like 3 minutes." She laughed her contagious laugh.

"Sorry." I said looking down at my feet, running my fingers through my hair.

"Hey," she said before jumping on my back. "What's going on in that weird head of yours?" She giggled in my ear, making me smile.

"Your ears move when you smile." Katie said tugging my earlobe.

"Oh yeah. Well, you're heavier than you look!" I said, starting to spin.

"Dylan!" She giggled. "You're gonna make me sick!!" I stopped spinning and felt her jump off my back. I laughed as she swayed back and forth. I caught her before she fell. We stood there, her hands on my shoulders and mine on her waist.

"Dylan, I'm okay. You can let me go now." She smiled.

"Oh. Sorry." I laughed nervously.

"So," she said as she walked to her closet. "What do you have planned for today?" I could tell she was excited because she was bouncing up and down on her toes.

"Well. . ." I waited for her to turn around. She gasped when she saw tickets in my hand.

"What's that?" She giggled.

"Two salon tickets. So you and your mom can get your hair and nails done. And when you are all relaxed, come back here and I will tell you our next plans."

She looked at me, then the tickets and then back at me. She didn't say anything. She just jumped into my arms with her arms tightly around my neck.

"Thank you," she whispered. I felt a tear drop on my neck.

"Katie," I sighed. "This was suppose to make you smile, not cry."

"I'm crying because no one has done something like this for me, idiot." She said stepping back, wiping her tears.

"Sometimes I think I don't deserve someone like you," she said looking at her feet.

"Hey," I sighed. I walked up to her and made her look at me. "I am the one who doesn't deserve you."

"We are both too good for each other." She said trying not to laugh, but failing. She giggled as she walked into her bathroom.

"Hey, I'll ummm. I'll see you tonight, okay?"

"You're leaving?" She asked, popping her head out of her bathroom.

"Yeah, I just have some uhh..."

"You okay?" She asked walking towards me. My breath caught in my throat as she stepped out in her shorts and a sports bra. I tried my best not to stare.

"Yeah. Just umm..... just super excited for my best friends birthday!!" I joked as I started tickling her. I stopped when her back was pressed against my chest and my arms were wrapped around her bare waist. I couldn't help but think of how amazing this felt.

"Go and enjoy your spa day and I will see you tonight." Without thinking, I kissed her on the cheek and quickly left, my cheeks burning the whole way out.


I put the bow on Katie's present, fixing it for the millionth time.

"Dude, relax. It looks fine. She is going to love it." Said Mason, my other best friend. Katie and I met Mason in third grade and the three of us have been best friends ever since.

I looked around the room and saw all of our friends. We were waiting for Katie to walk through the door.

"Dylan." I jumped when Mason put his hand on my shoulder. "Dude, why are you so nervous? It's just Katie."

"I don't know. I just want her to have a good day."

"You already gave her and her mom gift certificates to get their hair and nails done. That is like girl heaven."

"Alright everyone! Melissa and Katie just pulled into the garage!" Warned Mr. Montgomery. Just then we heard the door open and shut. We waited for Katie and her mom to walk into the family room.

"Surprise!!" We all yelled making Katie's cheeks turn red. She found me in the crowd and looked at me with knowing eyes.

"Happy birthday," I mouthed.

"Thank you," she mouthed back. I watched as everyone came up and gave her hugs.

The whole party I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She was so happy and I loved the fact that I was the reason behind her smile. I wish I could make her smile and laugh every day for the rest of my life.

"Hey," I was brought back to reality when Katie slipped her arm through mine. "Where have you been all night?"

"Here," I shrugged trying to calm my breathing.

"At the refreshments table? All night?" She giggled putting her chin on my shoulder.

"What? I'm a growing boy." I said flexing. She laughed as she playfully pushed me.

"You're always hungry." She rolled her eyes and poked my stomach.

"Because food is wonderful." I looked at her eyes and saw that she was truly happy.

"Oh! I haven't opened your present yet!" She smiled as she ran off to get it. When she came back, she pulled me into a spare bedroom. I bit my lip as she opened it.

"Dylan," she gasped as she took the bracelet out of the box. "La Vie En Rose," she read "I love it!"

"Happy birthday, Katie." My heart skipped a beat as she smiled up at me.

"Thank you, Dylan. For everything." She said wrapping her arms tightly around my neck, a feeling I never wanted to be without. "You are the best friend a girl could ask for."

Friend. Never thought I would be so haunted by that word.

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