High Places

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Tumblr prompt: A falls asleep in a dangerously high place (a roof, on top of a high wall, etc.) and B is freaking out because trying to wake them up will more than likely cause them to fall. C walks up and yells something along the lines of "Get up fucker!" And scares A awake and off the roof, only to be caught by C. And fall right back asleep in their arms.

Note: A little angsty and fluffy. I hope you enjoy it, though!

Pairing: H2OVancat

Tyler wasn't expecting to see Jonathan panicking and waiting for him out front when he got home. He looked worried out of his mind, and he was pacing back and forth on the front porch. "Jon? You okay?" Jonathan looked up at Tyler, his look changing into a relieved one.

"Oh, thank god you're here. Come on!" He grabbed Tyler's hand and dragged him out back. Jonathan dragged him to one of the big trees in the back yard.

When Tyler looked up, he saw Evan sleeping peacefully on one of the branches. His legs and arms were dangling down, waving slightly front the wind. "I don't know how he got up there, and I don't know how to get him down! I know if I wake him up, he'll fall!" Tyler stared up at Evan before he stood right below the branch. Tyler thought about what he should do, and did the first thing that came up into his head.


"TYLER!" Jonathan screeched.

Evan jumped at the sudden noises, falling off of the branch. Tyler had his arms out, and he caught Evan in his arms. Evan looked up at Tyler with tired eyes before smiling lazily at him. "Good morning, Ty," he yawned before snuggling into Tyler's chest and falling asleep again.

Jonathan stared at the two with an open mouth. Tyler laughed and carried Evan inside, setting him carefully on the bed. He gave Evan a kiss on the head before leaving the room and closing the door.

He found Jonathan sulking in the kitchen.

"Jonathan?" Jonathan mumbled something under his breath. "What was that?"

"I said, he could have gotten hurt, you know."

Tyler frowned, knowing why Jonathan was upset now.

"Hey, I had to take the chance. How else was I supposed to get him down?"

"Oh, I dunno, maybe you could have gotten a ladder like a normal person instead of making him fucking fall off of the god damn branch!" Jonathan yelled, slamming his hand on the counter and turning to look at Tyler.

"Well I'm sorry that since you were in such a hurry to get him down, I had to fucking think fast! And why didn't you think of getting a ladder, huh? Are you that fucking stupid that you have to wait for someone else to do stuff for you? Or are you just that lazy, and didn't care if "Evan's life was in peril", which it wasn't, by the way. You just over reacted like the bitch that you are!"

Tears threatened to fall down Jonathan's face, but he held them back as much as he could.

"Oh, like you're one to talk! If you were "so smart", then you would have thought about getting the fucking ladder! But no, you had to go the easy way out, didn't you. Just so you wouldn't have to deal with it. You didn't care if Evan got hurt, did you?"

"Bullshit!" Tyler spat, slamming his own hand on the table. "You know damn well that I care about him. And you too, but I guess you can't get anything through that thick fucking skull of yours. You know I wouldn't have done anything if I knew that it wasn't going to work. But your stuck in your own little world, and choose to see only the things you want to. Which is me being the bad guy. Even though, you're the one who made this whole situation worse than it is!"

"He could have died, Tyler." Jonathan's voice cracked, and tears were now streaming down his face.

"Oh right, because falling out of a tree will kill you. What a load of bull," he sneered. "He would have been fine and you know it."

"Would he have been, Tyler? Would he have been fine? What if you weren't in the right spot? What if he fell right to the ground? You can't live your entire life on luck."

Tyler laughed, "You don't think I know that? You don't think that I was afraid of that happening? You think that I would have gone through with this without thinking? I'm not fucking retarded, Jonathan. I know what I'm doing."

"I didn't say you were retarded-"

"Well it sure fucking sounded like it, Jonathan!" Jonathan shut his mouth. He wiped the tears from his eyes, semi-heavy breaths leaving his mouth.

"You know what? You win. I'm sorry, I was wrong."

He turned around and held his arms as he looked out the window. Tyler's anger diminished, and he sighed. "Jonathan."

"What? Are you going to gloat in my face about how I'm fucking stupid and how you're the smart one?" He turned back around and started walking towards Tyler. "Are you going to shove everything in my face? Go ahead. Go right fucking ahead. Might as well make me feel even more like a piece of shit, because I'm such a fuck up-"

He stopped when Tyler grabbed his face. "Jonathan, listen to me right now. You are not a fuck up. It was my fault too, you know. I didn't think through all of the options, and I'm sorry for that. But Evan is fine, let's just focus on that. Now stop crying and calm down." Tyler wiped the rest of the tears from Jonathan's face. Jonathan sniffed and wiped his eyes one more time before hugging Tyler tightly.

"I'm sorry, I overreacted," he sobbed. Tyler shushed him and rubbed his back.

"Jonathan, stop talking about it. It's done, we can't do anything about it." Jonathan pulled back and wiped his eyes again. He put his hands on Tyler's cheeks and kissed him. Tyler kissed back, resting his hands on Jonathan's sides.

When they pulled back, Jonathan rested his head against Tyler's. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

"Jonathan, stop saying you're sorry. I get it." Jonathan nodded and pulled back, still wiping his eyes. "Come on, let's go wake Evan up. He's been asleep for far too long at this point." Jonathan giggled and nodded, wiping his eyes once more. He followed Tyler into their room, who was standing over Evan. "Evan, hey, wake up," Tyler whispered.

"Evy bear, come on, wake up," Jonathan said, pushing Evan. Evan rolled onto his back and opened his eyes. He looked over Tyler and Jonathan before he smiled.

"Morning, guys."

"Evan, it's," Tyler looked over to the clock in their room. "3 in the afternoon."

"Well, good evening then."

"Oh my god, Evan." Tyler rolled his eyes and Jonathan giggled. Evan sat up in the bed and pulled both of them down, giving them both kisses.

"So, what happened when I was asleep?" Tyler and Jonathan glanced at each other.

"Nothing much. But we have a question for you; how the fuck did you end up sleeping in a tree?"

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