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Note: Based off of one of Smii7y's videos. Moment starts at 5:54. I hope you enjoy this one-shot!

Pairing: Delii7y

Lucas tapped his fingers against the desk as he waited for the video to upload. His internet had been shit for some reason recently, so it had been taking longer than usual.

He heard footsteps coming closer to his room, so he turned around in the chair, expecting someone to pop in. As expected, Jonathan's head poked through the door with a grin. "Hey Lucas. Video upload yet?"

"Nope," Lucas sighed, "still waiting." Jonathan frowned, but his grin returned quickly.

"Hey, I'm about to go take a bath. Care to join me?"

Lucas lifted an eyebrow, "Are you implying what I think you're implying?" Jonathan's grin faded once he realized what Lucas meant and he began to blush.

"What? No! No, that's - that's not what I meant. I just meant like, a regular bath. Nothing sexual about it." Lucas laughed at how awkward his boyfriend could be.

"Alright, I'll join. Maybe this thing will finish uploading by the time we're finished." He looked back at the screen, frowning when he still saw the loading sequence. He got up and followed Jonathan into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Jonathan leaned down to the tub,

"How hot do you want it to be?"

"As hot as you can get it, baby. But not too hot, I don't wanna be looking like some fucking tomato afterwards or some shit." Jonathan laughed and turned the water on, waiting for it to get warm. He started stripping, and Lucas followed suit.

Jonathan put his hand under the water, pulling it back after a couple of seconds. "That good enough?" Lucas put his hand underneath the water, feeling it before smiling and starting to get in. "What - hey! You can at least tell me when you're getting in," he said, stepping in behind Lucas. Lucas laughed and splashed some water at Jonathan.

"Whatever, loser. Now are you gonna wash me or what?"

Jonathan rolled his eyes, "You gotta wait till the tub's full, sweetie." Lucas frowned and splashed some more water at Jonathan.

"You're no fun," he pouted. Jonathan rolled his eyes again and grabbed a cup that was sitting on the side. He put it under the water spout, letting it fill up before pulling it back.

"Lean your head back," he instructed. Lucas did, and Jonathan poured the water onto Lucas's head, getting his hair wet.

"You got some water on my face," Lucas commented, spitting some water out.

"Sorry." Jonathan grabbed the shampoo, squirted some on his hand and started running his fingers through Lucas' hair, getting it all soapy. He played with it a bit, making it stand up in a Mohawk at one point. He giggled, getting some more water out of the spout before pouring it onto Lucas' head, washing the shampoo out. "You need a washrag?" Jonathan asked.

"I think so," Lucas replied, spitting some more water out of his mouth. Jonathan leaned out of the tub, barely reaching the cabinet and grabbing a washrag. He handed it to Lucas, who dried his face with it. "Thanks." Jonathan grabbed the conditioner, doing the same thing he did with the shampoo.

Once that was out of Lucas' hair, he grabbed the soap and started washing Lucas' body. Lucas leaned forward when Jonathan washed his back, and leaned back when he washed his front. Lucas hummed as Jonathan's hands slid over his wet skin so easily. Jonathan chuckled and kissed Lucas' cheek when Lucas rested his head on Jonathan's shoulder.

Once Lucas was all washed, it was Jonathan's turn. "Turn around loser," Lucas said as he turned himself. Jonathan rolled his eyes and did as he was told, turning around. Lucas gave the same treatment to Jonathan, and soon they were done.

"Well that was fun," Jonathan giggled. Lucas rolled his eyes as he wrapped a towel around himself. They went into their bedroom, changing into pjs quietly.

Lucas made his way back to his recording room to see if the video had uploaded. "Yes! Finally!" Lucas cheered, raising his hands up in the air.

"Did it finally upload?" Jonathan asked, walking in from the other room.

"Yes, it did! I can go to bed now, thank fuck." Jonathan chuckled and kissed Lucas on the cheek.

"Well hurry up, the bed's gonna get cold without you there." Lucas rolled his eyes and turned everything off before following Jonathan into their bedroom.

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