Request - Fuck, Marry, Kill

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Note: Requested by Cookiepizzas. I hope you enjoy this one-shot!

Pairing: Krii7y

Lucas was over at John's house for the week. John had left to go do something, so Lucas was left alone. So he decided to go on John's computer and go on his channel. He wasn't going to post anything on it or delete anything, he was just going to watch some videos on it since his phone was dead.

He scrolled through the videos, stopping on one Q/A video he hadn't seen before. He clicked play and almost instantly laughed at what John looked like.

A little over a minute into the video, John's question was a fuck marry kill with anyone he played with. "Alright, who would I marry? Who do I feel would be a great companion? I think I'm gonna marry Mini Ladd. I think... I think me and Mini would be good as a married couple." Lucas snorted, the mental image in his head being pretty funny. "Who would I do? Probably Smii7y."

Wait, what? Lucas paused the video quickly. Did he hear that correctly? He replayed the moment a couple of times to make sure he wasn't hearing things. He felt the blush grow on his cheeks each time he heard the words. He let it play a little after the moment, but John never said anything else.

Questions raced through his head as he sat there. Was John being serious? Or was he joking? If he was being serious, would he still want to do it? Why did he say him?

"Lucas, what are you doing?"

Lucas jumped and quickly turned around. He accidentally pressed play, and John heard his own voice say "Who would I do? Probably Smii7y." Lucas blushed again at the words before quickly turning it off and looking back at John. John raised his eyebrow at him. "Were you watching my videos?" Lucas gulped and slowly nodded, glancing back at the screen. "Dude, why do you seem so worried about it? I don't have a problem with it; I watch your videos all the time." Lucas looked up at him with a surprised look on his face.

"You do?"

John nodded, "Yeah, whenever I'm bored. Why do you look so flustered about it?" Lucas blushed again.

"Well, uh..." John waited for an answer, but didn't have to. He caught on with the part of the video that he heard. He chuckled, causing Lucas to give gonna confused look. "What's so funny?" he asked, trying to sound tough.

"You got flustered by my video, didn't you?" Lucas' touch act immediately melted and the blush grew on his face. He turned back to the video and crossed his arms. John chuckled again and turned Lucas around. "Aw, you're so cute when you're flustered."

Lucas felt as if he was about to die at any moment from embarrassment.

John chuckled again and kissed Lucas on the head before standing up. "By the way Lucas, I wasn't kidding when I said that." He winked before leaving the room. Lucas felt as if his face was on fire, and he made an inhuman noise as covered his face with his hands.

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