A/N 6 (Tags)

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Heyo everyone! I have no idea why I keep getting tagged in things, but whatever. Thanks @LightsAngelKitten and EvaGaming! Anyways, here's some more facts about your favorite fanfic writer (not)!

1. The first Youtuber I ever watched was Pewdiepie

2. It took a while for me to actually like Markiplier for some reason. I have no idea why, but I just couldn't get into his videos. Now I love the guy, but before I just couldn't do it

3. Jacksepticeye was the first (and only so far) youtuber ghat I found in my own. I found everyone else by people who told me about them or by watching youtubers I already know and finding other from them

4. I'm in Chorus and Acting right now

5. I kinda want to get into Psychology and Criminal Justice

And there you go! I guess if you wanna do it then go ahead, but I'm not tagging anyone in particular. I hope you enjoy the rest of the one-shots!

YouTube One-Shots (Book 2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora