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Note: This is yet another original one-shot! I hope you enjoy it!

Pairing: H2OVanoss

Delirious finally decided he was going to do it.

Yes, he was going to go to a convention.

With thousands of people.

Including his group of friends.

But it was already decided that he was going, and he wasn't going back from his decision, no matter how much he wanted to. The main reason he wanted to go was because of one person: Evan.

He had wanted to see Evan for ages now, but he never had the guts to do it. But now, now he was going to do it.

Of course he wouldn't tell anyone but Cartoonz about his trip. All he was going to do was try and find Evan, maybe talk to him as a 'fan'. That wasn't hard, was it?

Well, when Delirious got to the convention, he realized how big the place was. He was never going to find Evan in this.

And he was right.

He didn't find Evan there.

But that doesn't mean he didn't find Evan.

He was walking back to his hotel when he saw Evan walking along the street. He was alone, and Delirious saw his chance. So he took it.

"Hey, you're Evan, right? As in, Vanoss Evan?" Delirious asked once he got close enough to Evan. Evan turned around quickly, surprised at the voice before smiling a chuckling a bit.

"Yeah, that's me. You a fan?" Delirious smiled a chuckled a bit himself.

"Yeah, I've always loved your videos dude. I was trying to find you all day at the convention, you know. But for some reason I couldn't. Which is weird, since I thought that it would be easy to find the guy being surrounded by fans." Evan laughed, causing Delirious to laugh as well.

"Hey man, I got to go, but it was nice meeting you," Evan said once he stopped laughing and held out his hand. Delirious smiled and took it, giving it a shake before pulling back.

"Nice meeting you too." Evan waved and went back to walking down the road. Delirious sighed happily and made his way to his hotel. His mission was complete. But that didn't mean that he could be there for a couple more days.


The next time Delirious saw Evan was actually at the convention. He saw him talking with some fans along with his friends. Delirious smiled to himself and made his way over there. "Hey, Evan," he greeted casually. Evan looked up and smiled at him.

"Oh, hey! How's it going?" He asked.

"Pretty good. Glad I actually found you at the convention this time," he joked, getting a laugh from Evan.

They talked for a bit, some of the others joining in with their conversation a little bit later.

Soon, though, Delirious had to leave. He could have sworn Evan's smile faltered a little when he said that, but it was probably just his imagination.


The third time Delirious found Evan was not at the convention, but walking to a hole-in-the-wall bar. "Evan?" Delirious called out, confused. Evan turned around and smiled tiredly at him. "Oh, hey."

"You getting a drink?"

"Yeah. Wanna join me?"


So the two walked in the bar together, not really talking as they sat down.

After only a few drinks, however, Evan was way more talkative.

"You know, you're probably the most calm fan I've ever met," he said, his words slurred a bit. Delirious chuckled at how tipsy the man was already. Delirious wasn't even close to that level, and he had the same amount as Evan.

"Oh really?" He asked, amused by the conversation.

"Yeah. Oh, I don't think I ever got your name. What is it?"

"It's Jonathan."

"Jonathan... That's a nice name. I like that name. You know, I gotta friend with that name. I like him, he's funny, and his laugh is super contagious." Delirious stopped for a second.

"Oh yeah?" He asked, wanting to make sure that he heard right.

"Yeah. It's a shame that he couldn't make it though..." Evan sighed and took another drink. "Things are always better with him. He makes all the stress to go away, you know? I honestly don't know how I've gotten through this convention. I mean, it's great to see all the fans and everything, but sometimes, it's just on much. That's why I came out here tonight; to relieve stress." Delirious stared at Evan. He couldn't believe the words out of his mouth.

"Oh." Was the only thing that he could say.

"Well," Evan sighed, "I gotta go. It was nice talking to you though. You gonna be at the convention tomorrow?" He asked.

"Oh, uh, maybe. I might have stuff to do." Evan nodded and got out of his seat, putting money on the bar before leaving.

Delirious slumped back in his seat. He had no idea about any of those things, and he felt bad. He knew what he needed to do, but it was late, so he was going to have to do it tomorrow.


Evan groaned as he phone went off. He reached his hand over and grabbed it before pressing the 'answer' button. "Hello?" He groggily asked.

"Hey Vanoss," a familiar voice said. Evan lit up as soon as he heard it.

"Oh, hey, Delirious. What's up?"

"Nothing, just wanted to check up on you. But uh, guess what?"


"I got something for you. It's uh, it's waiting outside your room." Evan chuckled as he got up out of bed.

"What, did you send a murderer after me or something?" He heard Delirious cackle quietly on the other side.

"Nah, not this time. But seriously, you should go check it out."

"Want me to stay on the phone?"


Evan made his way to the door and opened it.


Evan nearly dropped his phone in shock. There stood Jonathan, Delirious, in front of him. He smiled sheepishly at him and waved his phone. "I thought I would come surprise you this time. I'm guessing it worked?" Evan just pulled Jonathan inside the room and pulled him into a hug. He didn't realize he started crying until he heard Delirious laugh quietly and felt Jonathan rubbing his back soothingly.

"Hey, don't cry. It's okay Evan, I'm here now." Evan held on tightly to Jonathan, not wanting to let him go ever. Jonathan pulled back from the hug, smiling slightly at Evan.

"Wow, I never knew you could get so emotional," he joked, trying to lighten up the mood. Evan smiled a bit back before hugging him again. "I didn't think you were the hugging type either," Jonathan joked again.

"Shut up," Evan mumbled, squeezing Jonathan tighter. Jonathan chuckled again before pulling back once more.

They stared at each other for a couple of seconds before Evan pulled Jonathan in for a kiss. His eyes squeezed shut as soon as their lips collided, molding together perfectly. Jonathan was quick to kiss back, one hand holding Evan by his lower back and the other on his upper. Evan's arms were wrapped around his neck, holding him in place. He never wanted it to end, but they had to pull back for air.

Their foreheads rested on each other as they slightly panted. They looked at each other again before Evan pulled Jonathan in for another kiss, the two eventually forgetting about the convention.

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