Request - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

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Note: Requested by ShannonCipher1496. I hope you enjoy this kinda long and smutty one-shot!

Pairing: Terrornuckel

Brock had a terrible secret. One that only he knew. The secret started out as an accident; he was a scientist, and was trying to figure out a potion for eternal life. But instead of finding eternal life, he found something else. Something much worse.

What was it, you may ask?

Simple: himself.

But, it was not the nice and shy Brock that everyone knew. No, it was the monster inside of him. Everyone had one, but with Brock's potion, he could bring it out of him.

And the only thing was, he didn't know how to stop it.

He'd "transform" in the middle of the night, while he was asleep. Then he would run around, causing havoc everywhere. And he could do nothing to stop it.

So, he locked himself inside his house, bolting the doors and windows to stop his other from leaving. It worked, but Brock was still getting more desperate to solve his situation. So, he never left his house during the day, staying up as long as he could to try and figure it out before he turned. He would think he had gotten close, but then he would fall asleep, and all of his work would be ruined.

When he started locking himself in, his friend, Brian, started getting worried. He would go to Brock's house everyday and ask to let him in. Brock, being the nice person he was, would let him in for a small amount of time before getting him to leave. His excuse was always the same.

"I'm very busy, and I have so much work to do. I need to get it done quickly."

Brian would offer to help, but Brock would deny the offer nicely. Then Brian would have to go home.

Brock knew Brian was only trying to help, but in this case, he couldn't. He was afraid that Brian wouldn't be his friend anymore once he realized he turned into a monster. Even worse, Brock had grown feelings for the Irish man. But he couldn't do anything about it until he was fixed.

One day, Brock was really working to finishing his potion. He thought he had done it this time, but it still needed a few things that he would get the next day. Because of this, Brock didn't even let Brian in. This worried Brian, since he didn't know the situation at hand. So, he came back later that day to see if he would answer.

No luck.

Brian sighed and went back home. Maybe he's just not feeling well, Brian told himself. That's what it's gotta be.

But little did he know, that was not the case at all.

It seemed as though because Brock had gotten closer to fixing his problem, that his other was getting worse. I say this because for the first time in a very long time, the monster broke out of the house.

He laughed and skipped along the road, trying to find somewhere he could cause trouble. Then he came to Brian's house, and got an idea. He knocked on the door, waiting for Brian to answer. He knocked again, and kept knocking until Brian finally opened the door.

"Hello?" Brian asked tiredly. He was surprised when the figure covered his mouth with his hand. He couldn't see the future, but whoever it was started to drag him out of his house. Brian struggled, but it was no use; the figure had an iron grip on him. He had no idea where he was going, and he didn't know where he was when he got to a house.

The figure dragged him inside and down to the basement. There, he was hit over the head with something, and his vision went black.


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