Killer's Core

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Hi, my name is Lily Sands, I am 18 years old and I live on a military base in Ireland with my dad. My dad is a Captain in the army, which means he is constantly busy. I live with my brother who is an army soldier, we live in a separate dorm from the Captain's house. My dad doesn't like that he can't be there to control everything so he constantly is texting us. 

I have blonde curly hair and crystal blue eyes. I am only 5 feet and 3 inches, everyone calls me snack-bite.  I mostly wear a skater skirt with some sort of blouse, white converse and then to top it off I wear a flower crown.

I am currently standing at the home building of the base, it is where families of the soldiers can wait to see their loved one. I then see the gate open and 5 green trucks come rolling in. When they finally get to the home building, I can barely hide my excitement as I watch the new recruits unload.I then see my dad step out and I immediately run to him, giving him a hug, as he picks me up and spins me around. I giggle as he sets me down "Hey sugarplum." He says with a smile.

"Hi daddy, I missed you." I reply, giving him another hug.

"I missed you too, sweetheart. Where is your brother?" He asks.

"His Sargent said the he wanted him to show the newbies how to run the course." I answer, nodding my head over to the lone figure that was climbing up a wall. My dad nodded his head, understandingly. A senior drill Sargent comes over and taps his shoulder then whispers something in his ear, my dad just nods his head.

"Sweetheart, I have to go talk with the new recruits I just brought. You want to come or are you going home?" He asks me.

"I will stay." I reply. He smiles and we walk over to where the recruits are lined up. I stand next to Senior Drill Sargent Maden while my dad walked down the line, analyzing each and everyone of them. Once he was done giving each of them a stare down, he came back to the center next to me.

"Alright newbies I am your Captain, Captain Sands. Do you understand?" He says

"Sir, yes sir!" They all yell in response.

"This is Senior Drill Sargent Maden. You will respect everyone here. I don't care if they are three year or three days ahead of you, you will respect them." He continued. He looked down the line once again when his eyes froze on one male. I followed his line of sight and saw the young male around 20,with black hair and green eyes, I then realize he had been staring me for the entire time. My father then marched towards him with an angry expression. "Listen here soldiers. You will regret the day you were born, if I see a single one of you lay a finger or even say something that you shouldn't to my daughter! Don't even dare to try a thing! Got it?!" My dad yelled out loud, mostly aiming the words towards the guy who was looking at me.

"Sir, yes sir!" They all yell in reply.

"Alright, Sargent I believe you can take it from here." My dad states before walking off. I stand in shock of what had happened for a few moments until Maden nudges me on the arm. I then run after my dad. When I had finally caught up to him, we were already at the Captain's house. I step inside and plop down on the couch, out of breath from running. My dad comes in from the kitchen and sits down next to me. "Sorry, I should've gotten you before walking off." He apologizes, handing me a glass of water.

My brother then walks in extremely sweaty. He sees me and dad, he then notices me staring at him and runs over to give me hug. I quickly doge and run to the other side of the room. "EWW, stay away from me, you sweaty pig!!" I yell. My dad sat there chuckling at our silly argument. My brother, his name is Chase by the way, had walked over and gave my dad and hug.

"This beautiful pig is going to go take a shower." He says before walking upstairs, chuckling that can be heard even when he is on the second floor.

We hear a knock on the door and my dad gets up to answer it. My brother walked down the stairs, being down with his shower already. We both stand beside each other waiting for dad to come back. When he does come back he has a sorrowful look on his face. "Who was it daddy?" I ask him.

"It was your Captain, Lily." He answers.

"What did he want?" I inquired, my heartbeat starting to become rapid.

"You are being called back to the Killer's Core." He replied. My knees gave out from underneath me and I collapsed on the floor. Everything then went dark.

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