Moo Moo Sensei

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Banana was being retarded and kept throwing kunai everywhere and I was geting very irritated.  I was about to yell at him until I sensed a familiar signature.  Well, sensei did decide to come.  This should be interesting.

"GET DOWN!!!!"  Seems like Scarecrow sensed him too.  I stepped away as a blade came flyng towards us.  A man landed on it when it got lodged in a tree.

"MOO MOO SENSEI!!!!!!!"  I glomped him.  He smiled slightly at me and I climbed on his shoulders.  Yes, I'm very immature when it comes to Moo Moo sensei.  He was my favorite.

"Hey, pup.  How've you been?  I see you're a leaf nin now.  That's interesting."

I nodded happily.  My team just stared at me.  This was very out of character of me.  Scarecrow made them get into formation around Drunkard.  He then began to question me.

"Bara, how do you know this man?"

"Hmmmm.   Oh, this is my old sensei.  He taught me alot.  He's also my comrade."

Moo Moo chuckled.  "That reminds me.  Where are your swords?"

I took out a scroll and summoned my twin katana's.  One was had a red blade with a black handle and the other had a black blade with a red handle.  Chi and Shi.  The Shinigami Blades.

Scarecrow's eyes widened.  "You are the Seventh Swordsman!!!!  The holder of the Shinigami Blades!!!!!!"

My team was confused.  Bubblegum decided to butt in.

"Sensei, what is the Seventh Swordsman and the Shinigami Blades?"

Scarecrow turned slightly.  "The Seventh Swordsman is the seventh member of a group called The Seven Swordsmen of the Mist.  They each hold powerful blades.  Zabuza here holds the Executioner blade.  It needs blood to stay sharp.  Bara holds the Shinigami Blades.  They hold the souls of two Shinigami.  The weilder of these blades is truly the master of death.  Each and everyone one who belongs to The Seven Swordsmen of the Mist are classified as S-rank.  Most are criminals but since Bara has remained annonymous until now, no one knows enough about her to classify her as a criminal."

Ha!  He just skimmed the surface.  Only Shi controls death.  Chi controls blood.  To control ones blood is a powerful ability.  To be able to bend one to your will.  But I use my blades wisely.  They do not like being summoned so I only use them when absolutely nessesary.

I unsummoned Shi and Chi and jumped from Moo Moo sensei's shoulders.

"I have not commited any crimes.  I am only a Swordsman because I am the only one who they chose.  When dealing with one of the Seven Swords, you do not choose them.  They choose you.  So I can not be tried by any Kage."

Scarecrow nodded.  He turned back to Moo Moo sensei and lifted his headband.  A Sharingan?  Well, there is more to this lazy sensei than meets the eye.  Ha!  Eye puns!!!

Ok, I'm done.  I'm going to go talk to Haku.  I searched for his signature and flashed to where he was.  He nodded in greeting.  

"Hey Snow.  You here to 'kill' Moo Moo if it gets out of hand?"

He nodded.  We sat in silence and watched their battle and soon Haku had to go 'kill' our sensei.  Well, I gota face my team sometime.  I'd just rather not right now.  I left to go pick herbs for Moo Moo sensei.

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