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I wake up because I feel like I'm moving. I open my eyes and see darkness, confusion rushes through my head and I'm not sure what's going on. I try talking but find that I can't move my mouth. My arms are tied behind my back and my legs are tied together. It feels like I'm being carried over someone's shoulder. I wiggle around and kick my legs as hard as I can to try to free myself from the person's grasp. The grip only gets tighter.

About ten minutes after I've woken up the movement stops and I'm placed on what I assume is a chair. I squirm around some more to try and loosen the bonds holding my wrists together, but it's no use.

"What's going on? Why is she tied up? It's not even noon yet!" I hear a female yelling, the voice sounds like it belongs to Dehali.

"We had to get her alone because that guy would cause too much trouble. It's easier this way." Another girl says, I imagine it might be my sister, Dahara.

I'm angry now, they kidnapped me, of course I'm angry. Natsu had been right not to trust them, I should have been more careful. How did Natsu not notice that someone had taken me? And how did I not wake up as soon as someone began tying my hands together? They must have used a sedative on us. How could we fall for a trap like this so easily? No, Natsu hadn't really fallen for it, I fell for it and brought him down with me, all because I was curious.

"When is Kar getting here? Did he know about this?" Dehali asks her voice sounds more panic than before.

"Yeah he knew, he should have been here three minutes ago." Ahari says.

I start pulling on the ropes that are tying my hands together, I can feel them loosening very slowly.

"How come no one told me about this? Am I not trust worthy? And why do we need to keep the guy away anyways? Nothing bad is gonna happen!" Dehali yells. It sounds like they are in another room.

I feel the knot on the rope coming undone, I pull on it carefully. The knot gives way and I feel the ropes come loose. I slowly slip them off of my hands and drop them to the ground. I listen for footsteps or any other indication that someone is in the room with me. When I hear nothing I reach up to my eyes where I find a blindfold. I untie it and reach down to the tape on my mouth. I rip it off and bite my tongue as to not make any unnecessary noises. I look around and see that I am sitting in a hallway, it isn't stone like the place Natsu and I were in last night. I wonder how long I had been sedated for? I get my feet free and stand up, swaying a little as I try to take a step. Soon I am at the door, which I assume leads outside. I reach for the handle, but as soon as my hand touches the metal knob, the door swings open. A man steps into the doorway then pauses when he sees me. I freeze as well, unsure if I should act normal and walk past or if I should run. The man looks a little frightening, he wears a long black cloak with a hood that shades and covers most of his facial features, the only thing I can see is a long scar cutting from his bottom lip to his jaw line right under his ear. I step out of his way, but he doesn't make any attempt to walk around me. I can feel his stare and I start wringing my hands together. That's when I notice that I am in fact still wearing my red night shirt, I begin feeling even more self conscious.

"You must be Lucy." The man says, his voice scratchy and old. I press my back against the wall and wish I could disappear. I don't say anything and instead shake my head then try to squeeze past him, but he grabs my shoulder and holds me still. "Not so fast. I think I still need to talk to you." He pulls me with him towards the room I believe Ahari, Dahara, and Dehali are in. The man knocks on the door then yells, "I've got a present for you." The door swings open and Dahara is standing right in front of me. The man tosses me towards her and then walks inside behind me.

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