Fears and nightmares alive?

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HI EVERYONE! Here is the next chapter! Please tell me if there is anything you would like to see happen, I would love to try and make this story as enjoyable as possible for everyone!

::::: I'm scared of small spiders (not the big ones!), needles (deathly afraid, when I go to get a shot they have to hold me down!), clowns (that fear has been getting better!), bees (their stingers remind me of needles! Plus they hate me!), and public speaking (I shake, turn red, sweat, and sometimes I cry!)! I've got other fears but they are very complicated and would be hard to explain! :::::

Enjoy :3

----------------CHAPTER 2

I hear birds chipping before opening my eyes. They sound peaceful, I wonder... I wonder if I am dead. I open my eyes slowly, the light floods through my eye lids. When I finally open them and sit up I realize I am laying in a big king bed that is the same color as Natsu's hair... I- I didn't memorize the color or anything... I sit up slowly and look around. I'm not in a room, the bed is in the middle of an open meadow. I notice that the birds I heard earlier are not what I thought they'd be. They are all twice the size of me and have long, sharp wings. One of them is a frosty white with blue tipped wings. When I look closer I see they all have razor sharp teeth and blades lining their wings.

"Where am I?" I ask no one. I look around and see that there are no people here. I'm by myself in a meadow full of creepy bird dragon things. I look up at the sky when a strong breeze comes through the air. I gasp in shock. The sky... The sky is gone. It's like I'm looking at a mirror. I see myself and the landscape surrounding me. "This... This is totally awesome!" I shout before adding, "and weird. How do I get out of here?"
I pace back and forth outside of the infirmary at the guild. Wendy and Porlyusica are tending to Lucy's wound on the inside. But I can hardly wait anymore. I can't wait. Lucy has to be okay, I mean she's my partner and I can't let anything happen to her! Happy went out with Erza and Levy, they were all a mess about this. But not me, I'm totally fine. I'm just happy that no one saw me go into Lucy's room the night we got back.


I jump up to the windowsill of Lucy's room. I had just dropped Lucy off at the guild where she could be tended to. Her wounds were bad and I couldn't stand to see her like that. So I left and came here. I open the window and jump inside onto her bed. Her room looks like it always has. She's pretty organized, I like that. I'm a complete slob myself. You can't find anything in my room.

I walk over to Lucy's desk and pick up a piece of paper addressed to her mom. I know I shouldn't read the paper that I so tenderly hold in my hand, but I need to be reminded of the sweet way she talks.

Dear mom,

I'm about to write something that might really surprise you. I'm thinking about leaving the guild. I don't think I can keep up with everyone else. They are all so amazing and they just keep getting better. I think they'd be better off without me around. I want to do what's best for them. But, I don't want to leave them. They are like my family now! I love them all! Especially my team! But they always have to save me! And I'm always the one getting us in trouble. Why do I always screw things up? I don't know what to do mom. If I leave the guild where will I go? I don't have anywhere else to go. But if I stay then I'm going to be the weakest. That sounds selfish! I just don't want to see my friends get hurt because of me!
Oh, looks like Natsu's here! I better get going. We have to stop some burglars in one of the big forests that surround the outskirts of Magnolia. I think you'd like Natsu mom. But he barges in without knocking! I'm used to it though. He's really nice and is very protective over his friends! Plus his hair is a really cute salmon color! But I tell him that it looks pink to get on his nerves! Anyway, I'll write to you when I get back! Maybe I'll know what I want to do by then!

Your loving daughter,


I put the letter back down where I found it. My cheeks are slightly pink from the last few things she said about me. But that quickly fades as my face pales and I realize that Lucy wants to leave the guild. I know I need to tell her that none of that is true. That she's amazing and that she is one of the strongest and most important members in the guild... But then I remember that she is unconscious and loosing blood. Who knows if she'll even be alive in the morning? I can't stop myself. I feel the tears creepy up in to my eyes. I know they are falling down my cheeks now but all I can do is move over to Lucy's bed. I sit down on it and rub my fingers over the fluffy blanket. I slowly lay down on her pillow and pull the blanket around me. It's not the same without Lucy here. The room smells like her, strawberries and vanilla, and the bed is as comfortable as ever. But it's not the same without Lucy curled up with a peaceful look on her face next to me. Usually I sneak in to her room during the middle of the night while she is asleep. I then proceeded to lay down next to her and watch as she breaths in and out with her cute smile and messy hair. Wait... Cute?

-end flashback-

I can't take it any longer. I push open the doors to the infirmary and see Porlyusica and Wendy leaning over Lucy's body. Wendy is crying and Porlyusica has this half sad half 'that's the way it is' look on her face.

"What happened? Is she okay?" I ask. On the inside I'm shaking and am petrified. But on the outside I try not to show any of it.

Wendy shakes her head and starts crying louder. Porlyusica clears her throat. "She lost a lot of blood. But that's not all, the ogre that sliced her has a power called Dytera, it is only used by rare, psychotic ogres that live in the same woodland area you were at the other night. They're called Dyteretil. Anyway, the magic causes the person to fall in to a coma. But this coma can't be helped from the outside. On the inside Lucy will be seeing a few of her worst nightmares, worst memories, and the ogres homeland. She will have to defeat the ogre who will have a spirit of himself inside of this image he has created for her. If she can't defeat it or dies trying... She'll die in real life too." Porlyusica takes a quick break before continuing, "if she defeats it then the coma will break and she will be back in this world. But, the ogre has set up challenges along the way to his fortress, which she has to get too. They are all very challenging and I'm not sure if a wizard like her will be able to beat them."

I am at a loss of words for a second. "A wizard like her?" I suddenly shout.

Oh cliffhanger kinda! Haha! I'll post next chapter soon! Have a great day! Love y'all :D

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