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I'm soooo sorry about not updating! I'm working on a story that isn't fanfiction related. I want it to be really good so I've been spending a lot of time on it! But here is the 12th chapter and I hope you enjoy it!

Last time-
"Lucy I love you!"
"Natsu I love you!"
"Stop being so lovey!"
"Shut up Laxus go make out with Mira!"
"Oh my goodness! She's alive!"
*synchronized gasps*
Ok I know that's not what actually happened but close enough right?!

--------CHAPTER 12

'Flashback. A month ago.'

"I don't think you understand the severity of this situation!"

Dahra, Dehali, and Ahari all look across the table at the figure in the black cloak. He is the master of the guild and has been focused on capturing the Heartfilia daughter for the past 2 months. The plans they have will take action in about a week.

"Master Kartlie! There is no need to get angry! We know what we have to do! Get Taler to bite this princess and bring her to you! Simple!" Ahari said defensively.

"This is no laughing matter! We cannot underestimate these enemies! They are strong and always protect their own. It's quite admirable for a pathetic official guild! Listen, all of you. If we don't capture this girl our plans will be ruined for good. Once we've captured her all we have to do is chain her up and extract her dragon qualities. If we don't have those powers we will not be able to revive all of our ancestors."

"We understand master. But why not use the pink bastard or that metal freak?" Ahari asked. He'd always been the more outgoing of the three main minions of the guild.

"Have I not explained this already girls?" Kartlie asked impatiently while turning his open hand into a fist.

"Yes master." They said together.

"And why have I not grabbed those weak fools?" He asks adding extra stress on the word 'why'.

"Because Master, the girl is the blood descendent of our dragon queen. She is our princess. To bring back all those who died or were sent away we must use her dragon blood and abilities to cast a spell." Dehali says like a robot.

"Good! At least someone was listening. And Dahra, what was this spells name?"

"Draigonswep. Meaning summon of the dragons in the ancient language the dragons used to communicate." She replied in the same monotoned voice that Dehali did before her.

"Yes very good!" Kartlie turns towards Ahari. "Now, do you finally understand?"

"Y-yes sir." Ahari says while shrinking back as much as possible.

Later that day the three are walking through the halls. "Ahari you're such an idiot! You should know better by now than to cross Master's path!" Dehali says in an exasperated tone.

"Yeah, plus don't you want the same thing as he does?" Dahara cries out.

"Of course I do! But I don't think that pathetic girl should be treated as our princess. We need the real queen. We need Layla." Ahari says.

Dehali and Dahara share a look of sympathy. "Let's just get this done with so we can see our aunt again." Dahara says to her brother and her cousin.

I know that was a short chapter and I'm super sorry if the next chapter doesn't come for a while but I will try my hardest to get it to you guys before the new year! If you guys have any ideas or suggestions please comment or PM me and let me know! Thank you all so much for reading!

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