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Hi! So this is my 3rd chapter! I want to thank everyone for reading this and I hope that this story will inspire you in some way! Maybe it'll make you come to a 'Realization"?! Hehe

::::: I move around A LOT! I hate it but I can't do anything about it because it's part of my dads job. I know a lot of adults that tell me it must be soooo fun! But can you imagine moving every few years and leaving all of your friends behind when you move across the country? It's not a life I enjoy! I am a somewhat social person, at least after I've known someone for a little while. So when we have to move and start over I get crushed! Plus when it comes to talking to new people I'm not the best!:::::

------------CHAPTER 3

I could hear everyone talking, but I couldn't see them anywhere. I now know that I'm inside a fake place and that I have to defeat this ogre thing without dying. I look around the landscape, everything is quite in my head. Then I hear Natsu shout, "a wizard like her?" Porlyusica had just insulted me saying I was a bad wizard. I can't say I disagree necessarily.

"You can't be serious? She's been through a hell of a lot just like everyone else! And.... And I know she has more power then she shows. I can feel it whenever I'm around her. She just needs to trust herself!" I hear Natsu yelling all of this inside my head.

I shake my head and look at the ground. He's wrong. I can't have more power, I'm barley strong enough to summon two celestial spirits at the same time. I'm useless. Maybe I should stay here, it would be an easy way to leave Fairy Tail without hurting the others feelings. I sigh. This is ridiculous, I didn't ask for this.

"You can't give up on her. You can't! She's gonna make it! I'll stay right here by her side until she does!" Natsu exclaims. Even though I can't see or feel anything that is happening around my body I do feel a sudden warmth in my gut when he says those words. I smile to myself and look at the floor. I can feel my face heat up as a blush starts to run up my neck and on to my face.

Maybe I should try to fight this ogre. If Natsu thinks I can do this then maybe I can. But soon I'm second guessing myself again. I don't know. After a few minutes of debating back and forth with myself I finally decide that I will at least have a look around to see what's in this world. Maybe I'll find the ogre before I get to discouraged.


After I tell Porlyusica and Wendy that I'll stay by Lucy's side until she makes it through everything they nod and leave. I close my eyes and sigh. Everyone is worried and it's making the air around the guild very tense. I walk over to the bed that Lucy is laying on in the infirmary and kneel down next to it. I reach out and grab Lucy's cold hand. I feel a tear slide down my face. How could I let this happen?

"Lucy? I wonder if you can hear me right now? And if you can't then I'm talking to no one, but I need to tell you something. So if you could please try to hear me that'd be totally awesome." I take a deep and shakey breath before continuing, "Lucy, I need you to fight that ogre. It hurts me to see you like this. I believe in you. I need you to come back to me! We can't be team Natsu without you! The whole guild needs you!" I rest my head on her hand, which I am gripping tightly. Tears are streaming down my face freely now. "Please Luce. When I first met you I didn't think much about it, you were just some girl paying for my food. But then you started going on and on about how much you wanted to be in Fairy Tail and about how much being a wizard meant to you. When I brought you back to the guild I was scared that I had made a mistake at first but I knew almost right away that I didn't! Everyone loved you! I love that you always try to comfort me when I get motion sick or when I'm feeling bad. And you know that I'll do anything to make you feel better!" I sit up and grab Lucy's still shoulders. "Please. Please Luce! You have to make it! You have to!" I say through choked breathes. I gently shake her shoulders and wish silently that this will wake her up. It doesn't and I knew that it wouldn't.

I take her hand back in mine and squeeze tightly. I press my head against her hand and both of my own. I really hope no one comes into the room at the moment because I look like a mess. And I am. I just don't want any of the others to see that.


Natsu! You idiot, you made me cry! I think to myself when I feel tears rush down my cheeks. I can't believe he just said all those things. Now I have to get back. I feel myself become more confident as I walk forward in this strange landscape. I'm trying to remember the details of the landscape that the ogre we fought came from. We were in the forest, but it was a very dark foggy area with swampy water around us. I decide that it'll be best if I go to a place similar to that first. It's a start at least.

I walked and walked and walked until finally I saw the reflection of a forest in the mirror sky. I looked down the cliff which I had just reached and saw the great big forest, which sat below me. I was out of breath and hadn't heard any of my friends in my head. I think Natsu fell asleep next to my body that is still in the human world because I can hear a soft snore every once in a while. I'm tired and want to get this over with. It's been 3 days since the ogre fight that lead me to this strange world. I know because the mirror turns into memories at night. It takes all of my worst memories and plays them above my head. I know that Natsu hasn't left my side, like he said. I hear him every morning when he wakes up and Wendy brings him his breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Then he whispers encouraging words to me before falling asleep.

I climb down the cliff. That takes about a day. When I get to the bottom I see my memories. I see the week after my mothers death when my father got really mad and beat me. That's why I have a scar just under my chest. He cut me with a knife before slashing out at me with a whip. I see him doing that over and over above me. Every week was a different punishment. None were more serious then the knife though. But eventually he stopped the punishments and just ignored me, I was probably 14 at the time.

I close my eyes and try to sleep as I hear my young self screaming above. I lay at the bottom of the cliff just outside the thick forest. I haven't slept much these past few days so I am extremely tired and drift off to sleep with only a little difficulty.

Hope you enjoyed! I'll be posting the next chapter soon! Love ya!

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