I call on thee!

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Hi minna!!! I am so so so sorry I haven't posted in a while! I'll tell you why as my little fact thing ;D

:::::: ok so I was traveling all over New York to visit my family. Then when I got back I was in a very depressed state! It's wasn't because I had left New York or anything like that. I was just there... And I didn't know why. I still don't know why but I'm just gonna focus on things that I'm trying to get done such as this story along with a few others!:::::::

Again, so sorry for not being on at all! Oh and for anybody who likes following fan accounts on Instagram I finally made one! It's called @ fairy.gami.moree
Have a great day/night/whatever time it is near you! Now on with the story!

----------CHAPTER 10

Before I knew it I had scrambled up the rest of the wall. I looked back down and saw the alligator circling below. I let out a sigh of relief before turning towards the huge wooden doors in front of me. I tried pushing them open but they wouldn't budge. I pushed even harder but they didn't move at all. I slumped against the rough wood. There is no way I'll be able to open these doors. I then remembered my spirits. I grabbed Virgo's key and held it up. "Open the gate of the maiden, Virgo!" I yelled.

"My punishment, princess?" Virgo asked as she lowered her head in a bow like state. I sighed.

"I'm not punishing you!" I yell. "Could you please get me past those doors?" I asked politely.

Virgo nodded before digging a hole right through the thick wood. I smiled at her before she disappeared. I stepped through the newly created hole and into the big entryway. A grand staircase was on my left and a long hallway was in front of me. I stood still and used my dragon slayer hearing to listen for the ogre. I heard what sounded like footsteps up the stairs and further back in the house. I sighed when I saw the size of each step. They were all up to my shoulders. I walked up to the first one and pulled myself on top of it. One down... A lot more to go.

30 steps later... I had finally made it to the top of the stairs. I was panting and leaning over with my hands in my knees. Getting back down was going to be fun... I looked up and saw that the hallway in front of me was full of old antiques and beautiful chandeliers. A purple and blue carpet was laid down across the hall. All along the sides you could see the dark hard wood flooring.

I listened again and heard the ogre breathing. I followed the sound and ended up in the kitchen. The cabinets are much bigger than I am and are a dark brown. The ogre stood by the stove. He seemed to be cooking breakfast... Which is strange considering its night time. I clear my throat to make my presence known. I wait for the ogre to turn around but he doesn't. Maybe he didn't hear me. "Excuse me." I state loudly. Nothing... I'm now getting a bit annoyed at the ogre that stands in front of me. I turn around and notice a string hanging from a towel that is placed on the counter above. I jump and grab on, I pull myself up the string which is more like a rope to me and climb on the the smooth white surface below my feet.

"Excuse me! Mr. Ogre." I say with authority. Nothing... "HEY YOU! IM TALKING HERE!" I yell impatiently.

The ogre turns slowly towards me with a spatula in hand. "Ah... You finally decided to show up. I don't plan on leaving this place any time soon... So that means I'm not gonna lose." He's deep voice is a bit creepy but what really makes an impression is his smelly breath. I try my best not to show that I'm about to throw up. But what's worse is even after he stops talking he continues breathing on me with his mouth open. I gag slightly but it's not very noticeable.

Taking a few steps backwards I pull my whip off my belt. There is no way I'm going to loose to this stinky ogre. "Your friends were weaklings. You were the weakest. It'll be easy to kill you."

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