Nightmare not

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Here's the next chapter! I won't be posting for 3 weeks because I'm going to camp and I'm not aloud to have my phone or anything there! Ahhhh it's gonna be so difficult not to have my phone with me! Wish me luck ^^"

:::::: I don't really know what to say today so I'll just tell you my Instagram name or something ^^ my Instagram is @ superpetitegeek ! So I very small (petite) and I'm kinda a huge geek and um yeah! ::::::
Hope you like this chapter minna!

------------CHAPTER 7

The woods were sparkling during the day with the shadows dancing around the leaves. But I wasn't paying attention to the beauty of the forest, I was paying attention to what my best friend was saying in the human world. My eyes had started watering and right now I want to jump back to the human world and give him a hug so badly. After the shock I had when he said that he loved me I realized that what he was saying next could be true. About my father coming after me because I held great power. It would make sense considering what my fake mom said.

"Do you not remember what I taught you?" She had yelled at me. What was she talking about. And why did that star dragon slayer magic sound so familiar? And why did the light feel so.... So... Good? I need answers and I plan on getting them.

Natsu finished talking just a minute ago which left me crying in joy, sadness, and fear. But I knew that I needed to get up and keep moving to find answers and this stupid ass ogre.

I marched through the thick trees then came upon an opening in the field. I could see.... I could see Fairy Tail. I ran over to it without thinking and flung the doors open. Inside I saw all of my guild mates. I ran into the room and over to Natsu who I hug really tightly. He looked down at me then said, "uh... Hi?" I stared up at him with a big smile.

"Natsu! I'm so so so happy to see you right now! I... I thought I was going to die without ever seeing you again!" I cried into his chest.

"I'm sorry but who are you exactly?" Natsu looked at me with a confused face.

"Wha... Who- who am I?" I asked with my lip now shaking as tears threatened to fall down my face. "I-I'm your best friend. We do everything together. You... You even said you love me, and I-I love you."

"Um... Sorry you must be thinking of someone else." He said while giving me a strange look.

"Who's this Natsu?"

"ERZA!" I say excitedly before running over to Erza and wrapping my arms around her.

"Uh.... Can I help you?" Erza asked.

"She says she knows us." Natsu replies for me.

"We don't know anyone like her, do we?" Erza asks Natsu.

Natsu shakes his head. "I've never seen her before in my life. HEY STRIPPER!"

"What flame brain?!" Gray asks before coming over and giving Natsu a death glare. Then He sees Erza and stops his glaring.

"Do you know this girl?" Natsu asks.

"Uh.... Nope don't think so." Gray replies.

"Hmmm... Maybe she's lost." Erza suggests.

"Guys I'm right here! You don't have to talk about me like I'm not! You guys have to remember me! I'm on your team! Team Natsu! I haven't been gone that long! I... Wait a minute. I never left the ogres world. You guys are a fear." I say sadly. I then slowly start backing towards the door. They're my fear because they don't remember me. One of my fears is to never have joined Fairy Tail.

"Listen girl. I have no idea who you are but you need to understand that I don't love you." Natsu says very slowly.

I feel a pain in my chest before backing up and crashing into a table. Tears are coming back to my eyes. The tears are starting to blur my vision and I can only see colors. The outlines are all blending together.

"Listen kid. We can help you. Whatever this delusional problem of yours is you should probably see a doctor about!" Gray suggests as he starts pushing me towards the door.

"WAIT!" I scream. I turn around and look at my friends. "How would I know all of your names if I don't know you?"

"I bet you are just a crazy fan who has been stalking us." Gray says with a smirk.

"Like Juvia does to you Gray? Oh Natsu, is Carla finally letting Happy talk to her? And I guess I should ask all of you how those 7 frozen years were? Jellal, Erza how is he? You guys going out yet?" I ask with a mischievous look in my eyes.

"Wha... How... I don't understand" those were the responses I got from them.

I smirk before turning to leave. But before I could make it out the door I felt Natsu's warm hand on my shoulder. "How did you know all that?" He asked.

I smile then look down at my feet, "I'm from a different world. One where I join Fairy Tail. I went through all of those things with you guys. I need to go now and try to find my way back to my home. Nice meeting you guys."

I get to the doors and open them before turning around really fast and asking, "do you guys happen to know where the ogre is?"

I hear gasps through out the room. "What?" I ask.

"Why...why do you need to know where he is?" Gray asked.

"I have to defeat him to get back to my world. Please tell me where he is!" I beg.

Erza looks at me with her mouth open. "You are going to defeat him?" I nod. "Well, he... He lives in the center of the forest near the swamps. Just walk strait starting from behind the guild and you'll find the edge of the swamps. He's around there." Erza continues. "It'll be about a 2 to 3 day walk. Good luck."

I smile and nod before running out the doors and going to the back of the fake guild. Strait I think in my head. I start walking and don't look back.   

Thanks for reading! If you didn't read above I'll just say it again! I'm going to be gone for 3 weeks due to a camp! So I'll try to post as soon as I get back! See you soon minna!

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