Log #7: June 28

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A/N: "What I wouldn't do to forever eat and never get fat."

Log #7: June 28

Alright, what do you want me to say? I’m pissed. I am doing better, I know I am. The only reason you want to keep me here is so you keep getting paid for it even though I know I’m doing okay now.

Don’t believe me! Even though all signs are showing that I’m decent. What’s going to happen when other people review my files and see that I’ve gotten better? How’s that going to make you look? Don’t you think the sooner you let me out is going to make you look better that you managed to “cure” me so soon? God damn, take some pride in your work.

Be known as the man who cured that crazy girl. Goodness gracious, I know the shit I’ve been through. I’m surprised I survived. But I realize and did and I will never forget what you did for me, so thank you.

I just want to go home. I get it, they weren’t real. I get it, I’m not fat. I’m done hurting myself. Please understand that. I miss my family, and I want to live there, and not have to put up with the shit you put me through here. I am completely coherent as to what is going on here.

Please don’t keep me here any longer than is necessary. And I really do think this is unnecessary.

I miss my mom and dad. I love them so much.

I want to make friends.

I’m hungry.

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