Chapter 11

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HEELLOOOO! I misses you Lovelys like too much! I tried to make this one a little longer and I swear I'll post the next one super fast! Please dont hate me :* Love you Lovelys!!! MWAHHHHH!!! <3<3<3


My house is just like any other somewhat normal household, two stories with a basement but unlike most teens I don't invite people over. Daf is the only person that has been over to my house purposely, like ever.

“Listen Jordan, theres something else I should tell you. Its really embarrassing so bare with me,”


“No, no, its nothing like before its just…I never bring people over so you're the first boy I've ever..”

He parks in my driveway and crashes his lips against mine, all the feelings of being embarrassed seemed to blow away. When we broke the kiss for some much needed oxygen he takes my hand.

“Listen Becca, It would be my absolute honor to be the first boy you bring to your house, well invented anyway. Its actually really cute that I'm your first,”

I wanted to say something but that little part of your brain that allows you to speak suddenly stopped working so I just nodded my head and walked to the front door. I pull out my key and unlock the door, the aroma of wet paint hit me like ton of bricks, home.

“You can put your shoes here and DVD'S are over there under the TV, umm I’ll go grab us some chips..”

I walk into the kitchen and see a woman with shoulder length curly hair and paint all over her, “BECCA!!” Now I see her hazel eyes and her dash of freckles right on her nose.

“Hey mom..”

Paint covering her from head to toe, all in her hair, face everything. She just looks at me a smiles that perfectly goofy smile that she has,”Mom didn't I tell you to keep the paint in the bucket?” She lets out this laugh that's full of happiness, and I can't help but crack a smile with her.

“Yeah yeah, whatever! Its no fun unless there's at least a little paint on ya! But who's the boy!?”

I reach for the bag of chips on the counter and try to hide my giggles, “He's a friend ma.”

“Uh huh...A good friend if you ask me. Gimme a chip!”

I hand her the bag and she happily munches on some cheddar cheese chips, “look ma he's waiting I have to go.”

“Hey now don't get sassy, I'm leaving to get some stuff from the store I’ll be back. No baby making while I'm gone,” she digs her hands in my bag of chips and scoots off. I look at the clock and its barely three o'clock, today feels like it won't end but then it hits me. After today it will be Monday, then back to the hell hole called school. No more us..

“You coming or what?”

“Yeah yeah don't get your panties in a bunch,”

I walk over to him and give him his soda and I set the bag of chips in the middle.

“what movie did you pick?” I say trying to distract myself from the reality I had just realized seconds ago.

“You'll see, that was your mother right? I thought you said she went mute,” I take no time to think about this because I have nothing to hide from him. Well at least for right now I don't, “She went to therapy and four months later she won't keep her mouth closed.” A genuine laugh bellows out from him and I can feel the stampede in my tummy.

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