❄ Wake Up ❄

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❄Frost 7 

"Jack..It's time to wake up, Jack..." 

"...What? ..It's not even...Who are you?" 

"Jack...Open your eyes...Jack.." 

"...Show yourself! I'm not afraid!! Face me!" 

"Are you sure..Jack?"  

As the voice ended, a light from nowhere appeared, and there Jack saw Pitch and behind him was a terrible scene to see...

"What have you done, Jack?" Pitch mumbled, smirking evilly as he watched Jack approaching the terrible scene. 

"I...I didn't. I didn't do anything...I swear..." Jack said, looking at North who was laying down, covered with bruise and wounds. 

"Tsk...Tsk...Tsk...Jack..This wouldn't happen...If you would just accept my offer...None if this would've happen..." 

"I didn't do anything! I'm not the one who did this!" Jack shouted, looking more terrified. 

"J-Jack...Why? What...What have you done?" groaned the Tooth Fairy that was laying beside North. 

"I didn't...I didn't do anything! Tooth! Believe me!" 

Jack then heard a bell-like sound coming from behind, he turned around and saw Sandman, covered with blood, bruise and wound.

"S-Sandy?! Sandy! What happened? Tell me! Please!" 

Sandy looked at Jack then flinched, he looked terrified... 

"Jack...What have you done? Everything..looks terrible..." 

Jack turned around, looking at Pitch. Pitch gave him an amused smirk as he step aside, letting the confused Jack see what he had in his back. Jack's eyes widen in surprise for seeing the Easter Bunny so hurt...

"No....No...NO! This...This isn't all my doing! I...I didn't do this! None of this...." 

"...Why, Jack? We...Never should've trusted you..." As Bunny gave his words, Jack twitches as he slowly backed away, almost tripping into something...or someone. He turned around then looked down, looked even more surprised when he saw Jamie. 

His feet were covered with dark ice, face were bruise and frightened. 

"Jamie!" Jack shouted as he kneeled down, looking at him. 

"...Jack..Why? Why, Jack? I...We believed in you..." 

Jack stood up, looking at everyone, saying the same words, over and over again...

"Jack..Why? We trusted you..." 

"No...No...Stop it! STOP! PLEASE STOP! STOOP--" 



"Jack? Are you alright? You were shouting 'Stop! Please stop'. Did something happened?" asked Jamie.

Jack looked at them, one by one. Making sure that everyone is safe. Jack smiled, as a thought that what he saw was just a horrible nightmare. 

"What did ya see, mate?" asked Bunny, knowing that Jack had a nightmare. 

Jack looked at him, unsure if he would tell them. 

"Well? We're waitin'?" 

Jack then took a deep breathe as he spoke, "..Pitch...Pitch told me to wake up...And so I did...But once I opened my eyes...I saw...such..horrible things..." Jack said as he shivered, looking at the snow he created. 

"And then what happened?" asked Jamie, looking quite sad. 

"...Everyone...All of you...Were injured...covered with blood...bruise...and such...terrible wounds...And the worst part is..." Jack paused, remembering the things he saw. 

"The worst part is what, Jack? Please...Tell us!" begged Tooth.

"..The worst is...That I did...all of those..." 

All of them gasped, as they all slowly walked backwards, "Jack..." 

"But I couldn't remember doing those things...to all of you...Especially to Jamie...In my dream...He's feet...were covered with ice...And-"

"That's enough, mate." said Bunny as he patted Jack's hair. 

Jack looked at him, confused and scared. While Bunny was smiling at him.

"We're positive..That you will never do such things..." smiled Tooth as she approched Jack, hugging him. 

"That's right. As long as you're a Guardian...MiM will never let Pitch have you." North said as he ruffled Jack's hair. 

Sandman smiled as he went to Jack, encouraging him. 

"As long as...there's children believing..As long as...I still believe...I won't let him have you, Jack!"

Jack smiled at Jamie then to the others, "What do you guys say we go to Pitch's place...and kick his butt?" 

"How? Jack with one flick of his finger you're toast!!" said Tooth, worried.

"I won't..." he smirked.

"Then how, old man winter? How're we goin' to defeat that boogeyman?" said Bunny, carving a carrot on a wood.

"We'll have fun..." 

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