Chapter 1: That Day

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It all started on that day. The day he was ordered to retrieve Sasuke together with Naruto, Choji, Kiba and Akamaru, and Neji.

I was standing at the gate of Konoha when someone stood beside me. "Y/N-san." he called.

"Lee-san." I called back.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked. I nodded.

Our feet collided with the dirt outside the gate. And so, the dangerous decision of catching up to them.

A few minutes passed of running and jumping from tree to tree, we passed by a few arrows that lead further away from the village.

As we follow the the arrows, we were greeted in the middle of the forest with trees that had been cut all over the place. "Y/N-san. Do you see what I see?" Lee asked.

I looked at what he was looking at and my eyes saw two figures. My eyes immediately landed on the one with the ponytail and lips curved on my face. "Shikamaru-kun!" I called.

Shikamaru-kun turned around only to see my body about pounce onto him. "Y-Y/N?! Woaah!" As he catches me, we fell down on the ground.

I giggled as his body made contact with dirt. "I'm sorry. I was just so glad to see you."

"This is so troublesome. What are you doing here?" He asked as I stood up and gave him a hand to help.

"I couldn't help myself." I confessed. Truth is, I just couldn't stop myself from worrying. Knowing this mission could kill everyone involved in here.

The person who was with Shikamaru-kun jumped down. If I remember correctly, she's from the Land of Sand. The one with the famous Gaara.

"This is troublesome but we should follow Naruto immediately. Y/N, go back." He ordered. The woman, Temari, if my memory serves me well, started walking to the other side.

I frowned. Is she supposed to go with him? "But Shikamaru-kun, I want to help!"

He sighed. "Women are so troublesome. Why did you go here alone anyway?"

I blinked. Alone? "What are you saying? Lee-san is--" I spun around to check my surroundings. No Rock Lee in sight. "...with me. What?! Where is he!?" I panicked.

"If you're talking about that guy with green suit and bushy brows, he already left. Probably to where Naruto is." Temari answered me. "So are you going or no?"

"I-I am!"

"Wait a minute!" A voice of one of the medic corps that I called before we left has arrived. "We were called by Y/N L/N to take back the wounded ones."

"Have you found the others?" I asked, immediately.

"Yes! They all have been gathered. They were convoyed after administering emergency treatment." He answered.

"What are their conditions?" Shikamaru-kun butted in with full of concern in his voice.

"Kiba Inuzuka has serious injuries but it's not life threatening." Shikamaru-kun sighed in relief but his face went pale when he heard the next report from the medic corp member. "Neji Hyuga and Choji Akimichi are in serious this point, there's no telling what will happen." The medic corp member finished.

"Shikamaru-kun..." I looked at him.

"Take me there." He ordered.

"You'll have to be treated first before you are allowed to go to their respective rooms."

"I don't care about that, just take me there!" He shouted.

"Y-yes, at once!" They all started to climb the tree and went back.

"Ah, wait!" I followed suit as soon as they go with Temari tagging along.

Geez, what's up with her?


Shikamaru-kun sat on one of the benches outside the intensive care unit 6 where Choji is currently in. He keeps fiddling his hands together. He's completely worried and frustrated.

I wish I could do something for him but I'm just here, standing and just looking at the two from the distance.

I leaned on a wall far away from him because I know he would want to be alone. I couldn't just go out and leave him like that so, in case something happens, I'm there.

"There's no point in you getting frustrated, right? Missions comes with took the mental training, right?" Temari, who was sitting on the other bench, across Shikamaru-kun spoke.

Shikamaru-kun looked at her with intense eyes. I stood up straight. "Shikama--" I was cut off by someone putting their hand on my shoulder. When I turned around, it was Shikaku-san, his father.

He shook his head at me, telling me that I shouldn't involve myself in their conversation. I turned back at Shikamaru-kun and their conversation went on.

His father leaned back on the wall again and in the corner of my eye, Shikamaru-kun stood up and started walking farther from the room. I watched him walked passed me. I don't know what to do.

I just wanted to tell him it wasn't his fault and that it would be okay but I couldn't even speak up. I couldn't even move to tell him that. I am such a useless friend.

Just as he passed by me, his father spoke about him losing to his argument with the Sand girl. Shikamaru-kun spoke nothing. But as he strides, the fifth hokage emerged from the room and announced that everyone's health is stable.

For the first time in my life, I saw tears streamed down his face. "Shikamaru-kun..." I snaked my arms around him from his back and comforted him. "It's okay now, Shikamaru-kun..."


Chunin exams, the day Naruto comes back . I was walking along the busy road of the village when I saw Naruto and Sakura walking together with Shikamaru-kun and Temari.

"Shika--" I was about to call out on him, striding one step forward when Naruto asked something I couldn't ask.

"So, are you guys on a date?"

I'm sorry for the OOCness. 😖😖

Hope you liked it thooooo

Reirin xx

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